Christmas Song Download


New Metal Member
Nov 4, 2014
I just have a question regarding the Christmas Song Downloads.

So i try and download them, but right when they finish it says "can't connect to server" is that a problem with the site? or my internet?

I would really like to get all of those songs onto my computer haha

also i am brand new to this place, so hello!
I can upload all of the Christmas songs in a folder for you to download if (I ask once again) that's okay with forum policies.
Altheus -
If you do upload those Christmas songs to a folder, can you link it herein? If possible, I would like to get a copy as well.... assuming this is Ok with forum policies and Theocracy.
Thank You - Rob
Here's the link to all of the Christmas songs released so far + the MoS teaser track from myspace.
I'll keep the link up for a week or so, after which anyone who wants it can message me here and I'll give them the link via personal message.
(Message me if you want it, I check it nearly daily, and the .rar is still on my mediafire account)
Aletheus -

Many Thanks for uploading those songs - I downloaded them a day after you provided the link, and they are excellent! I'm sure Matt and the group are very busy with life, work and a new album... but I'm holding out hope they get the inspiration and time for another Christmas song.
There were talks among fans about compiling all of the songs to a Christmas album or something, since they are releasing them every year, but Matt said he doesn't want to release a song every year so it becomes a constant, with no surprises and such (citation needed) but I don't think this is an issue at all, since you have plenty of stuff being released in the mean time (Storm's a Comin', Jack's Lament, Collide & Spark).