Christmas wishlist

a record/cd/tape/MP3 player. and a new churchwarden pipe. my new guitar should be in too as well as my Havok christmas bundle
I'm really really boring because I got a sofabed for christmas. I've been using it for about two months and a Bloodstock 09 ticket.
We Have Arrived, first press with the awesome artwork, I want it so baaad.
Accept for that, I don't really feel the need to get presents, had enough during the year.
I've already got what I wanted for christmas - my little daughter Erin :D

A toblerone house? Fuck it, you get that then I'm moving in.

Errm, off the top of my 'ead:

Jackson DK2 Dinky (Transparent Black)
Razor - Violent Restitution
Toxik - World Circus
Get Thrashed DVD
Money - lots of it