A nice girl. Not some needy, clingy, over-sensitive, two-timing, STD-ridden, unfaithful skank. Just a nice girl.

On second thoughts, if you want everything you'll get nothing so.... enough alcohol to pulverise my liver. That'll do nicely.
There are some nice girls out, just not too fucking many nowadays. I feel ashamed to be female at times when these skanks just walk around like "oh, look, my vagina fell out of my tiny belt skirt after fucking the 4th guy tonight" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU-

For Christmas I will probably get my Download ticket and headphones (either Sennheisers or Skullcandys) and assorted other things.
I've never got much for Christmas, so I'm expecting much... Especially now I've grown up.

I'd like lots of vinyl though please. Of the old school death metal variety.