Christmas Haulage

Plzdatemekthx said:
i think Naked Lunch is pretty genius. The Soft Machine pretty much made me not want to read any of his other books though. it was just gross without a point. but then again i suppose his whole "deconstructing literature" fell into place just fine. i dunno. weird fucker, either way.

There's no question the guy has talent... his words and phrases often bely a pretty good understanding of the craft of writing. He's obviously a wordsmith. I think his talent might have been wasted a bit because of drugs. Not really wasted per se, but at least would have been interesting to see what his writing would have been like sans heroin. Take "Junky" for example: pretty straightforward and interesting.
Ellestin said:
Send me your wife, I'll pay the postage costs.

In your dreams man, in your dreams. I tricked her into marrying me, fair and square!!

If you weren't jealous enough already, she also got me:

Civilization 4
Lego Star Wars (the video game)
X-Men Legends 2
Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy

and.... Star Wars Christmas ornaments (ok, that one's a bit odd, but what the hell, Darth Vader on the tree!!!)
Plzdatemekthx said:
hey you should share you thoughts on Side Two because i was a bit disappointed with Side One so i don't really plan on buying Two and Three.

If you didn't like Side One, I doubt you'd like Side Two. It's maybe a little more Pink Floydish than Side One, but other than that, it's just a continuation. Of course, this is based on the 1 time I've listened to them both. From my understanding, all 3 sides were recorded at the same time, they're just spreading out the releases for some reason. Could be wrong, though.

Btw, there's only like 2 songs on Side One with Les Claypool and Danny Carey (that's the name, right? Tool's drummer). It's too bad they didn't contribute more; I think they are the best ones on the disc. They don't play on Side Two or Three at all.
dorian gray said:
that said....brian greenes book is annoying. he treats string theory like it is total truth but in fact it is merely fantasy.

Err... where exactly do you get this? I'm about 250 pages into the book and he is constantly making the reader aware of the experimental limitations of string theory. He even quotes many other scientists who think the theory is pure bunk.

How do the DVDs differ from the book as far as material?