Christopher Lee doing a metal concept album

Sep 12, 2002
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I guess Christopher Lee really liked doing the voice overs for Rhapsody because he's aparently doing a symphonic "metal" album calledCharlemagne. Here is a link to samples, it sounds really bad to me. I just find it crazy that he is doing something like this. I don't really hear much metal in the music and what I do hear sounds really bad.
Christopher Lee CANNOT be a poser.


Not even the prequels could stop him.

Bad Side - This is mislabeled as metal and is just horrible all together. He should just stick with acting and narration.

Good Side - People might start trying to get interested in 'symphonic metal' and discover bands like Rhapsody (of Fire).
Before hearing the clips, I thought this could be a cool album. Unfortunately, I don't think Mr. Lee gets it. If folks around here thought that Rhapsody Of Fire are cheesy, they haven't heard anything yet!

Stay metal. Never rust.
Not hearing metal either, just a little bit of guitar somewhere in there, which means you could generously call this "symphonic rock". that being said, I don't think it sounds bad. But he really should have gotten Sasha Paeth and Miro to help him out if he wanted to do this kind of project and call it metal. Those guys can turn any project into gold and I'd bet they would have jumped at the chance to do this with him.