Chronic <blank>


Sep 7, 2001
I suffer from chronic nosebleeds. Share with us your chronic aliments. After all, in times of war it may be useful to know the weaknesses of the enemy :lol:
I have chronic elevated intra-ocular pressure, aka glaucoma. I was diagnosed with recessed angle glaucoma when I was 17. The look on my mother's face was priceless. "Here, take these horrid, stinging, burning eyedrops every day for the rest of your life or your optic nerves will slowly be destroyed to the point of blindness." Thanks, doc.
Chronic Empathy? It's the main thing I struggle with...strange eh?

(If you care: I was going to my best friend's house last weekend, to teach her to play chess, [!she didn't know how to play!], and eventually go to a movie, when on the way there, my mood was decimated. I saw a man dressed in dirty, unmatching clothes, holding a cardboard sign that said one word: "HUNGRY". If I had had a single dime to my name, I would have given it to the poor man. Or at least bought him some Taco Bell. I find that this sort of thing happens unusually often to me, for silly reasons. I suppose everyone has bizarre qualities such as this.)
I know what you mean, TyrantOfFlames. I have done a lot of community service especially through Habitat For Humanity. To see the look on the face of a person you are building a house for is priceless. I enjoy doing things for people who wouldn't normally be able to do them.

Chronic: boredom, restlessness, and stress...I guess that's it.

Edit: I would like to add Chronic addiction to eBay.
I suffer from clinical depression, which leads to chronic anxiety, stress, insomnia, sadness, and an all around bleak outlook on life. You probably wouldn't guess that from how I act on this forum, but I can be pretty damn depressing in real life.
Maybe what i have is a chronic nosebleed???My nose tends to bleed quite often,anytime anywhere,even while i am on the buss ( :mad: it makes me feel embarssed) ......but i've found some solution now...i stuff some "Vick's" up my nose every night before i go to bed....

I also have chronic internet obsession
chronic music obsession
and i'm developing chronic liquid obsession (as if the liquids will fill the void i'm feeling :eek: )
Chronic vacillation, escapism (usually via music), need to know my purpose, distraction (via primal urges, possibilities, seemingly nice but usually fake people,...), and empathy:s
the beginnings of arthritis, super-ventricular tachycardia, ever-increasing myopia, an addiction to masturbation, poor circulation to my extremities such as fingers (which makes the mastubation a chore.... yeowch!)
Chronic tinnitus (that's the ringing-in-the-ears thing, but it aint too bad), RSI in my left wrist (compressed disk in my wrist due to poor guitar technique. Ouch.), anxiety (about, well, pretty much everything :D ), chronic lack of friends (just to throw in something really depressing :) ), chronic addiction to heavy metal, but I don't mind that one ;)

I'm a mess :lol:
Originally posted by Ethereal Sage
Chronic vacillation, escapism (usually via music), need to know my purpose, distraction (via primal urges, possibilities, seemingly nice but usually fake people,...), and empathy:s

I forgot to add....chronic loneliness and chronic life.