Chronicling Oliva Storytellers Tour Stories - Looking for Help

I am hearing that tonight's Dallas show will most likely be canceled.
Last I heard, the band is still 400 miles away.

Maybe. They posted 5 hours ago saying the Dallas show is still on, but the VIP ticket event will have to be cancelled. Maybe something changed in that time, though.
The Dallas show went off without a hitch; the VIP soundcheck/M&G was cancelled - Jon and Chris didn't want to have people showing up and standing outside the venue disappointed if they didn't make it in time, so they erred on the right side, I think. Chris gave us a refund for the VIP passes in cash and promised to send us a couple of the VIP lanyards when they get back to Tampa - very very very nice guy and he went out of his way to make up for the cancellation.

Jon came out after the show and did a M&G and signed autographs (he got a big kick out of my "Agony" and "Ecstasy" bicep tats). No pictures, though, which would have been cool, but Jon sitting behind a long table isnt conducive to that.

Some guy showed up with 4-5 albums and wanted each one signed in a particular place.. and he line jumped in front of everyone and then stood there distracting Jon for the entire time while Jon was signing and talking to other fans.. I can go fanboy at times, but this was kind of ridiculous.

Overall, great show - the crowd was small (~100), and a lot of them seemed a little confused, like they were expecting a Savatage Greatest Hits set.. I loved it, though.. I haven't seen Jon live in forever, and he still sounds amazing - and has some mad guitar skills. :)

Oh.. same set as the Mojoes show, minus Child In Time and plus New York City Dont Mean Nothing.
Jon really connects with the audience .. That was the only problem I had with seeing Savatage live with Zak - he always had that 1000 yard stare (he seems a lot more comfortable on stage now, I should note).

Last night, I was stage right, and singing along enthusiastically to every song (even the FFTR ones..).. Jon noticed, and every 10 minutes or so, he'd make eye contact, nod, point, and hold the contact for 20-30 seconds while playing his guitar.. That was awesome.

Same for Chris.. I spent some time talking to him earlier in the evening, and he was very gracious and really wanted to make up for canceling the VIP event.. We were right in front of his kit, and he kept making faces at us, pointing, and hamming it up with us. Very very cool.

The only thing weird was that I had a perfect view of Dana, Jon's tech.. He sat behind Jon the whole show with his mouth hanging open.. Just a little unnerving. :)

By the way.. I asked point blank, and When The Crowds Are Gone will be played at PPXV, as well as a number of unspecified "surprises".. Makes me wonder about some guest appearances, maybe from JLM, Killdrums, or Zak?
I believe they've been together since at least 2003, but I could be wrong..

For anyone who didn't see the show, that's Dana on the left. He hardly moves, unless he's handing Jon a guitar. :)

Saw the Houston show last night. Setlist was about the same. There may have been 100 - 150 people there (Concert Pub North). Jon's voice was noticeably hoarse from the start. He couldn't do any of his patented screaming, which he tried and failed. He adjusted and sang the high parts an octave lower. He was drinking hot tea and Rumplemintz (sp??). He continually complimented the venue and appealed to folks to support their local metal scene.

It was funny, the local music newspaper advertised Jon Oliva coming to the Concert Pub North, but showed a pic of Paul O'Neill!! Jon made fun of that and said he had lost a lot of weight!! He the commensed to make a LOT of fun about Trans-Siberian Circus!!!!

The main highlight for me was when he told a story about when Savatage was touring with Testament in Dallas. Jon and Chuck Billy were outside after the show and were pretty shit-faced, when some dude sucker-punched Chuck with a blackjack. Jon goes charging after the dude and gets knocked out himself. When he comes to, there are 2 paramedics giving him shit (I forgot about what). Jon grabs each one by the neck and starts banging them up against the ambulance. Chuck talks Jon out of killing them and Jon lets them go. Then, for some reason, Chuck hurls a bottle of Jack through the club's gi-normous plate glass window and hauls ass!! Jon goes to jail with a bloody head.

He said shit like that happened all the time on Sava tours!!

I also didn't realize "Summer's Rain" was the first song written by "O-cubed"; Oliva, Oliva and O'Neill. It didn't make HOMK, but was put on Gutter Ballet. Also, he revealed that "All That I Bleed" off EOT was the last song he and Criss (RIP) ever wrote together.

Great show, even with Jon's voice in the shitter.

Yeah.. he mentioned getting arrested at Dallas City Limits at least once. :)

His voice was perfect in Dallas on Tuesday.. must have been the weather changes finally getting to him. They had a hellacious drive on Monday/Tuesday to get to Texas from Illinois.