Nov 1, 2002
Trondheim, Norway
CHTON play dark & brutal Norwegian DEATH METAL if you haven't read any of my earlier shameless selfpromoting threads or posts... So, I thought it was about time I stopped blowing my own horn (well...?) and let you all know what the underground press has written on CHTON:

" a glimpse of hope for exploring new and exiting things within the death metal-genre. And we're talking the brutal american style."
- Scream Magazine (Nor) #75

"With their dark atmosphere, their brutallity and their original riffs this belongs down the same alley as Immolation, and I also think Thorns has inspired some when it comes to the riffing."
- Monster Magazine (Nor) #2/2003

"Blessed with an ungodly voice, gutripping guitars and with a production at whole that would put many albums to shame..."
- From Beyond Zine (Nor) #7

"I guess death metal isn’t what Norway is most known for within extreme metal, but Chton has the potential to help that genre grow."

You can also find some new interviews with CHTON here:
or here:

And if that wasn't enough: you can download both songs from our promo for FREE in full versions from our website:

Haha! I just met a guy who tried out as a bassist for you guys...!
Kristian, does that name ring a bell?! >:eek:P He was down at the
Inferno festival, and he also posts at the Vintersorg forum! lol :eek:P

Norway is a small country, esp when it comes to metal :eek:)
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We are proud to announce that CHTON has signed with RETRIBUTE RECORDS from the UK for the release of our debut album!

We'll enter GODT SELSKAP STUDIO (who's done stuff with Necrophagia, Wurdulak, Eternal Silence, Manifest, The Apparatus etc.) around February 2004.

The album has been given the working title "Chtonian Lifecode" and will be a deadly dosage extreme metal for all you freaks out there!

And, for anyone in our around Trondheim on the 25th of October - CHTON will be playing at Rosendal Scene with ZYKLON and BLOODTHORN!

Up the horns!

Great Torstein!! saw it on you webpage some days ago, con gratas! :) and Ill guess Eternal Terror will get a copy of that album? hehe :)

cant come at the gig though, same day as Opeth! gah..

tryed to say it to Jan Roger, but he did not want to change everything just for my plans.. hehehe :D
Hehe - I've actually heard rumours of them starting "Metal-Svisj" too - like they have "Rap-Svisj" and "Dænsebænd-Svisj", but I guess that'll be the half-hour between 04:00 and 04:30 on monday nights, or something .... But cool, none the less...