Chuck and the gang!

Testament Forever

New Metal Member
May 20, 2005
I'm so glad you guys are back and badder then ever. I've been a Testament fan for a couple years now, and every album I got just made my high go through the wall over and over again. This means so much to me. I can't wait until you guys tour the entire U.S.

I'm from Chicago, and can't wait man. Testament is without a doubt my favorite band in all the genres out today. They give me everything I look for in a band. Back in the day it was Metallica, then Megadeth, then Pantera. Holy shit, when I first got into Testament, I was like goddddddddddamnm, where the fuck have I been?! Then what made me sad the most is that I never got to see you guys live, and I came up late. But better late than never, and now you guys are back on track, and I'm super inspired at just the thought.

I'm in a band, and you are my biggest influence on vocals. I love covering your songs, and we've played Low the last four shows at the bar 'O Malley's here on the Southside. Everyone loves it as much as I do, and it's so great to hear from you and everyone.

I always thought bands should call it quits when they grow older over time, but you guys are a band that totally proves me wrong. In fact, it just seems to me that as the years go by you guys have gotten better and better. Your voice is still amazing, and the guitars just keep ripping with fresh material. I wish I could follow you guys all over the world, shit, maybe I might, lol, but I can't wait for the killer comeback to just support you guys endlessley. Killer always and forever. You guys are the my world, lol. Rock on.

- Sam (21)

RIGHT FUCKIN ON MAN!!!! the first time i heard alex skolnick i realized what playing the guitar really means...thats why he's my number 1 influence on the guitar...i really hope i can see him play live, cause his trio shows are 21+ and i have never seen him ever. seeing him live would be like a dream come true.