CINDERELLA Bassist: 'Our Last Record Cost $1.2 Million To Make'


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
WTF is this guy smoking?!?

CINDERELLA Bassist: 'Our Last Record Cost $1.2 Million To Make' - July 21, 2011

On whether there are plans to record a new CINDERELLA album:

Eric Brittingham: Not at this time. I know everyone's done their side projects ... . In the musical climate these days and the way we like to do things, it's not really worth doing it anymore. But that's not to say it won't happen; it may. I'm sure Tom [Keifer, vocals/guitar] has a couple hundred songs ready to go. Our last record cost $1.2 million to make and the cheapest record we've ever made was $400,000. You can't do that these days because no one even sells $400,000 worth of records, CDs or downloads. Everything's changed. Everyone makes records in their bedrooms basically for next to nothing and in my opinion, most of them sound like it. That's not what we're about.

$1.2 million for their last record?!?!? And he's saying bands nowadays that spend less than $400,000 on making an album sounds like a demo or made in a bedroom?!? :lol:

Tell that to Devin Townsend, or Sneap, Richardson, etc. etc.

Take a listen to Metallica's St. Anger album. How much did that cost? And it still ended up sounding like a garage recording with a metal folding chair as a snare drum.

He might be talking about the entire record label advance for the entire deal including all the promo, marketing etc... I can't imagine spending that much just on a studio/people unless you rent the whole damn place for like 2 years.

I understand his point, and I have heard some stuff on the radio the past few years that does truly sound like SHIT. Hopefully this means I can create a pop hit here in my mom's house and GET FUCKING RICH.

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Or the Gregory Brothers that did the Antoine Dodson "Bed Intruder" song and sold over $1mil on itunes alone. Probably has raked in more than that by now... and that was made on a bedroom budget. :lol:
He might be talking about the entire record label advance for the entire deal including all the promo, marketing etc... I can't imagine spending that much just on a studio/people unless you rent the whole damn place for like 2 years.

I understand his point, and I have heard some stuff on the radio the past few years that does truly sound like SHIT. Hopefully this means I can create a pop hit here in my mom's house and GET FUCKING RICH.

vampire weekend doesnt sound like shit. it actually suits the music perfectly.

fuck cinderella. just another 80s band thats bitter that they arent popular anymore and no one gives a fuck about them. 1.2 million dollars is a FUCKING JOKE.
vampire weekend doesnt sound like shit. it actually suits the music perfectly.

fuck cinderella. just another 80s band thats bitter that they arent popular anymore and no one gives a fuck about them. 1.2 million dollars is a FUCKING JOKE.

"Just another 80's band".. i don't see buttcakes like you selling multi-platinum albums of songwriter-produced materials.
And to be honest, i know several people who actually met the guys(I was supposed to be one of them.), and they where the most humble and down to earth people ever.

Same with Keel.. they spend ALLOT of effort on their music, and they where the nicest guys i have ever met!
Then i know some of you guys have problems with these old 80's bands because they had big hair and makeup, but tbh, you guys who think of them as "posers" are just as big of posers your self.

I'd rather listen to a band with catchy riffs, melodies and clean unautotuned vocals then a bunch of faggy douches with a sidecuts playing open downtuned chords while screaming like a vagina full of air. ;)
Ha, who cares. The industry has changed and a lot of the elder folk are just burned up over it.

A new Cinderella record wouldn't sell a million copies because of the industry today, a new Cinderella record wouldn't sell a million copies because a new Cinderella record wouldn't sell a million copies. :lol:
"Just another 80's band".. i don't see buttcakes like you selling multi-platinum albums of songwriter-produced materials.
And to be honest, i know several people who actually met the guys(I was supposed to be one of them.), and they where the most humble and down to earth people ever.

Same with Keel.. they spend ALLOT of effort on their music, and they where the nicest guys i have ever met!
Then i know some of you guys have problems with these old 80's bands because they had big hair and makeup, but tbh, you guys who think of them as "posers" are just as big of posers your self.

I'd rather listen to a band with catchy riffs, melodies and clean unautotuned vocals then a bunch of faggy douches with a sidecuts playing open downtuned chords while screaming like a vagina full of air. ;)

+1111111..........I couldn't have said it better myself!
"Just another 80's band".. i don't see buttcakes like you selling multi-platinum albums of songwriter-produced materials.
And to be honest, i know several people who actually met the guys(I was supposed to be one of them.), and they where the most humble and down to earth people ever.

Same with Keel.. they spend ALLOT of effort on their music, and they where the nicest guys i have ever met!
Then i know some of you guys have problems with these old 80's bands because they had big hair and makeup, but tbh, you guys who think of them as "posers" are just as big of posers your self.

I'd rather listen to a band with catchy riffs, melodies and clean unautotuned vocals then a bunch of faggy douches with a sidecuts playing open downtuned chords while screaming like a vagina full of air. ;)

wow. first off, way to put words in my mouth and second.... thanks for taking my quote way out of context. im not gonna debate with you about what music is better and how great of guys they are. i could really give a fuck. they are two totally different types of music and im not the one who started comparing them and their style of recording to cinderella. i was merely saying that they dont sound like shit even though their recordings were relatively cheap to make.
And you are calling me a poser even though i didnt say a word about their big hair and glam outfits. I SAID they are just joining the other 80s band that are complaining about the modern state of music. they have doing it since grunge took over in the early 90s. so what im saying is get the fuck over it. they had their 15 minutes of fame so to speak. they can continue to make music for whoever is willing to buy it. just dont complain that records dont take a million dollar budget anymore. you sound like an old fuck. and who said anything about autotune? think a little bit before you insult me next time.
and another thing. you got all up in arms about 80s band having big hair and makeup and shit (even though no one said shit about that) and then you go right ahead and make fun of bands with "sidecuts"? come on dude
Serious guy is serious!
Even though the post is actually based loosely around my real opinions, i wouldn't take it the least bit serious if i was you.. if you read all my other posts on this forum you will notice that i tend to spice up my posts with just a "little" bit of sarcasm, irony and satire. ;)
I'd rather listen to a band with catchy riffs, melodies and clean unautotuned vocals then a bunch of faggy douches with a sidecuts playing open downtuned chords while screaming like a vagina full of air. ;)

Just listened to some Cinderella on grooveshark. They sound more like the 2nd half of your description than the first.
When Andy Johns fires your drummer in pre production and then quits you've already been fucked. Then add the dollars of the 'No More Tears' production team right after that album and flying Kenny Arnoff in weekly things can get a bit pricey. Plus lockout rate of an SSL room with two 2" machines. I was a runner for most of this debacle.
Sincerely I understand his point. In the 80's a band used to stay in studio much more time than nowadays...maybe because they wrote songs in the studio and not before...but in my opinion they spent much more time for the details... and the quality of the albums at the end was better than now. I'm not speaking about the sound...but the arrangements, the flavour, etc... was better.
Now you can record an album in 2 weeks but there aren't hits anymore...look at Lady Gaga, yes lot of singles, video, but who remember her first single? I mean, it's not like Like a Virgin, Dr. Feelgood, One, Thriller and many other songs.
In those years the labels invested lot of money for the artists and they sold lot of albums. Now everything is perfect but there is a big lack of flavour and passion.
Anyway we are reaching the default for the music...the system will collapse very soon.... don't know how is the situation in your country but I see lot of live show with 10 people... A big hip hop festival was cancelled because they sold only 2000 tickets..and we are speaking about Snoop Dog, Wu tang Clan and many others... When you don't sell cd's, when also the commercial artists have to cancel live show because they don't sell tickets.....the end is near.