Cindy Sheehan's Katrina Scam...


Feb 23, 2004
Brooklyn, NY
hey guys, cindy sheehan and michael moore are down in NOLA on the pretext of helping out, however what they're really doing is another anti-Bush bash America michael moore movie.

interesting fact is that those two pigs are begging for ipods, cameras and a whole load of expensive stuff all the while stealing Red Cross medical supplies and giving them to an ex-black panther/ex-con/communist anti-American activist.

I think the Red Cross is on to them.
just like how sean penn was 'saving' people in his boat. but the camera crew filled up the boat so they couldnt fit anyone in it, but the pictures look like he is leaning out to grab people into the boat, nice propaganda! he couldnt have fit a drowning chihuahua on that boat if he wanted to, shmuck
Bitch Sheehan was being used like a crimson-soaked tampon this last weekend, at some million moron march wif the REVERRRREND Jackson, and some other, less famous dirtbags.

Ya know, I was gettin darkly angry, seeing all these pricks holding signs emblazoned with "Bush Lies!" and other catchy phrases. Twas as though the foggy night of bolshevism had enveloped me in miserable despair.

Then, I saw the dawn of unclouded perception. It just came to me, as Bitch Sheehan started whining something above 102 dB.

I recalled EIGHT FUCKIN YEARS of me screaming at the television every time Bill Clinton was responding to the latest scandal with "Heh heh heh, I don't know anything about that, I just read about it in this morning's papers."

I recalled the pent-up vitriol boiling in my veins whenever these smug hippies praised their corrupt god and his repulsive wife, Hitlery Rotten.

FINALLY I understood, and for the first time in ages, I knew genuine contentment: These liberals were finally getting a taste of their own medicine!

I proclaim: "Open yer mouths, you fuckin assholes, and swallow big spoonfuls of George W. Its a medicine you'll choke on!"

...Mmmm, How sweet like candy their burning tears of anger doth taste!

See that is why I don't whine like the others, cuz I knew it chapped the GOP's ass when good ol smooth talking Slick Willie would do a press conference. I just wish you guys picked a better president that can at least talk like he is not a mental midget. I mean you have to at least give me that, the dude just makes up words sometimes. Whereas when Clinton was lying(what politician doesn't?) he was at least eloquent with his words and you at least half believed him.

Dubya is retarded if he thinks he is going to fund half the demands he has without raising taxes. He keeps borrowing but has no clear solution on how he is going to pay the money back. I know Republicans hate taxes, but what is the solution they are going to offer on how we are going to pay all the money back that it is going to cost for the war(then of course comes the rebuilding of Iraq.), hurricanes ect, ect? The thing that cracks me up though is alot of the people think they are in the category for all the tax breaks when they are just a fucking schmoe like you or I.

See, as much as I hate Dubya, the Dems don't have their shit together in the least either. My party does not have a clear leader but just a bunch of feeble sheep who would rather point fingers(same with the Republicans) than actually getting something accomplished. The way things are going because of all the partisan nonsense, it just makes it a big clusterfuck like it is right now. Also, if the Dems are looking towards Hillary as the next presidential candidate, we might as well just let the Republicans win by default because there is no way in hell people will elect her as our next president. So in order for the Dems to win the next presidential election they better start grooming the best and most likely president elect right now.

As far as Cindy Sheehan goes bahhh just fucking ignore that dumb bitch and she will go away. I don't think she speaks for Democrats but rather the extreme left. I know I don't stand by her words in the least and all she is doing is using a personal tragedy to put her in the limelight which is possibly the most deplorable thing a person can do. ANYHOO that's my little rant for today...I will leave ya with a joke

Did ya hear that they are going to make a blowup doll of Anne Coulter?

Yeah, it has no pussy but rather a huge asshole instead.

Now thats fair and balanced for you:loco::grin:
See, that's what I'm talkin about. Its a fair trade because nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.

As for the glorious leaders, Slick Willie is smooth-talking and Dubya is a tongue-twister, but both have enormous political savvy that keeps their enemies weak and confused.

Oh Bitch Sheehan got arrested. Finally. "May I suggest using the nightstick, officer?"
Quick, what movie was that from???

The democrats want to loose in Iraq so they can say "I told you so".
That is simply Un-American. Mike Moore and Cindy Sheehan are nothing more that communists looking to lie down and play dead for the press so people in America will learn how to be a good loser. Bill Clinton is too busy fucking black chicks in Harlem while his wife laps his load out of their dripping black twats. Sean Penn is just pissed that he can't slap around Madonna anymore.
So what does this mean??? How about this..
Kill, Destroy all these Muslims, Liberal and Commie cocksuckers before they give it all away to the Mexican scumbags and Lazy black bastards.
Let's pullout our troops and use some of these fucking bombs we paid hundreds of millions of dollars for. It worked in Japan it will work in the Middle east. I say fuck those Jawas..
Jurched said:
See, that's what I'm talkin about. Its a fair trade because nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.

As for the glorious leaders, Slick Willie is smooth-talking and Dubya is a tongue-twister, but both have enormous political savvy that keeps their enemies weak and confused.

Oh Bitch Sheehan got arrested. Finally. "May I suggest using the nightstick, officer?"
Quick, what movie was that from???


'Trading Places' with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd.
Right! Trading Places! There's someone who's on top of the important things in life!

Buzzard said:
Bill Clinton is too busy fucking black chicks in Harlem while his wife laps his load out of their dripping black twats.

Mm mm mmmm! Now there's something to exercise the imagination!

Buzzard said:
The democrats want to lose in Iraq so they can say "I told you so".
Agreed. It's amazing that "being right" is so important for these so-called open-minded grey-area intellectuals, that our nation's policy and reputation and many lives have gotta be shit-canned JUST for them.

Self-loving self-serving self-righteous hypocritical selfishness is the first commandment for these dirty swine. I don't mind people who talk about themselves because they usually have no time to badmouth other people, but the leaders of the progessive bolsheviks succeed in denigrating anything and everything that's good in this country and our missions abroad AT THE SAME TIME as commanding the rest of us to worship their golden hinds.

Pitiful souls.

She is also married to Nigel from Spinal Tap....

MyHatred said:
She is also married to Nigel from Spinal Tap....


nope, but close.
she's actually married to Derek Smalls, from Spinal Tap.

