Civilization One..anybody heard this?


Metal Is Power!
Oct 15, 2005
As this was my 5th P/P, this year was not unlike any other as to spending a lot of money on new cd's. Most I buy as blind buys on recommendations from the various vendors and friends I have made from fest to fest. Lance King was good enough to turn me onto Civilization One and I cannot get enough of this disc!! It is a perfect blend of melodic power and prog metal. If you are a Firewind fan, this disc is a must own for you as Chity Somapala does the vocals and who in the hell are Aldo Lonobile and Christian Münzner? These guys can throwdown power chords with the best of them!! The rest of the band is a solid as it gets as well!

Civilization One is the best buy I have made in years!

Anybody own this? What do you think? If you don't own it, buy it!! :rock:
I heard about this was Chity's new band. I bought the CD on a whim, somewhat based upon his previous work with Firewind. Still in its wrapper, will hopefully get around this weekend to unwrapping it along with all my other CDs I bought at the show. Will listen to it in time. (So many songs, so little time)
I like the song on the PP sampler. I don't know much by Chity, but I liked him on the one Firewind album.
I hope so. I been pushing this band for months. I did a pre-listening show several months back where I played the CD in its entirety on my radio show.

Way way way underated band that is slipping through the cracks.

Check out the official site, you'll notice a certain Madman towards the bottom of the page! ;)
Listening to it right now as I am typing this. This is the second time through in a couple of days. This is, in my opinion, very, very good! I also bought it somewhat on a whim, but had a couple of other guys around the show tell me it was worth it. After listening to it right now, I agree with them. I am sure as hell glad I picked this up!
Yep, I'll definitely agree to Civilization One as being extremely talented and extremely under-rated. This is one of my power metal favorites for this year. Y'all need to check them out if you haven't heard of these guys. I don't think that you will be disappointed.
Pretty good stuff...Chity rocks! it is with Chity...this release or probably the next one will be the last from Civilization One.

I agree with you totally on this, it seems everytime Chity gets in a good band, they do a release or two then poof he's gone, what's up with that???
I agree with you totally on this, it seems everytime Chity gets in a good band, they do a release or two then poof he's gone, what's up with that???

What sucks is Chity is always the one getting a bad rap....however being such a close personal friend I can tell you that sometimes he gets shafted, and because he DOES have a history, it always makes what happens in bands look 1 sided and like his fault.

I've told him just how much Civilization One has the chance to break out and become huge, so hopefully we'll see a sophmore disc. Hes also working on some other HUGE stuff which cant be announced yet. However it can be said that the new RED CIRCUIT cd will be completed soon.
I agree with you totally on this, it seems everytime Chity gets in a good band, they do a release or two then poof he's gone, what's up with that???

Heya All :-)
Let me explain the reasons!

AVALON : After the "Eurasia" Album certain members Decided to Disband as for todays music bussiness sucks and according to their daytime jobs except myself the fulltime musician.

FARO : The AOR side of my work!! Right at the begining we worked as a band But the record label wasn't pushing that much and Frank always wanted to fullfil his dream playing for the Queen "We will Rock you" Musical and Left after 1 Album. I did one more record with another line-up and i decided to stop it.

MOONLIGHT AGONY : I was asked to sing on the first album and the distance between Sweden/Germany was disturbing us and i requested the guys to get another singer after 3 "Live" Shows.

FIREWIND : Everything was Great.. But All of a sudden an unexpected Error between myself and Gus, We decided to go seperate ways, But we are good friends now!

DOMAIN : People expect work from you to the top notch and if they are not able to pay you the right % it's not gonna work as a professional and i decided to leave for that reason!

After FIREWIND... I started off CIVILIZATION ONE as my own thing together with Aldo Lonobile of Secret Sphere, But so far i could say this is the Trip :-)
C-One is my power pick of the year! Chity, keep this line up and keep this band going! I expect great things from this band in the furture and Shane if you read this, C-One would be a great showcase band!
Hey Chitral,

Any updates on a new Red Circuit album? Their debut album IMO is your greatest vocal performance alongside Avalon's Eurasia.

Civilization One is one of the standout power metal albums of the year indeed.
