Classic footage of the Greg Walls, Neil Turbin, Greg D'Angelo, Lilker, & Ian Line-up.

What, Scott Ian is shredding in the first video! And the drummer... are you sure it's not Charlie?

This is the lineup in that video. No Charlie.


L to R: Greg Walls, Scott Ian, Greg D'Angelo, Neil Turbin, Dan Lilker.
I see. It's hard to tell behind the kit since they both had the same dead black poodle sewn to their heads. Plus they might have setting up their drum kits the same way, hence Madhouse video for example.
cool. nice find.

Is it just me or does this remind you of Paul Dianno - era Maiden?

Very much so.

Cool find, I didn't actually know any footage existed of the Turbin days. I'd love if Anthrax put together a documentary series a la Maiden's History Of series. Too bad it'd never happen since Scott and Charlie like to pretend whole eras never actually happened :lol:
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