Classical Lessons


aspiring shredder
Dec 2, 2006
milwaukee, WI
I just started classical lessons 2 weeks ago at UWM(university wisconsin, milwaukee)

They are some of the best lessons ive had, minus my current electric teacher who knows massive amounts of theory

over the past 2 weeks ive advanced about what normally takes 4-6 months according to my teachers

Just felt like i should share this here, as there are always people asking about classical

So far I can say its really helped me with both classical(duh) and electric. My electric has been affected mainly through my posture, I never realized how awkward my left hand placement was, even though now it feels normal. My wrist tended to be twisted a lot, whereas in classical ive had to have a constant straight wrist

To sum it up, classical lessons are good, i highly suggest them

And the best part is, people ask you why you have weird nails thinking youre a drag queen or something, then they hear the truth and you get more respect:)

Oh and ive had to do something i call 'the broderick effect' because ive never heard of it anywhere except here

ive had to change the direction of my tapping as a result of nails
Congrats man, I tried lessons at the local college back when I was younger and already knew everything. I didn't stick it out. I could not get comfortable playing like that. I have always regretted not sticking it out....
Congrats man, I tried lessons at the local college back when I was younger and already knew everything. I didn't stick it out. I could not get comfortable playing like that. I have always regretted not sticking it out....

yeah the position was weird for like a day, but ive always played my electric on my left leg so i was kinda use to it
haha, when i had done it prior to classical lessons i sat in a really awkward position, and then with lessons, i finally had an excuse for my parents to buy me a footstool
I started my classical guitar lessons just over a year ago and it really helped me with my playing. I changed my posture when playing electric guitar so now i also use a footstool. Oh and the tapping thing also is an issue that you have to cope with. Chris is now using these finger pick things now (i think) which slide in under the nail so you doesnt have to compromise with the tapping part.