Clean guitar of Bleed by Meshuggah


May 8, 2007
Im going to cover Bleed meshuggah but i dunno what fx should i use in the clean guitar part:erkIm a drummer
verb/delay/chorus/flange, a combination of any of those should do the trick. Just make it ambient as fuck sounding.
If you mean the middle part of the song when the clean gtr plays solo, highpass pretty high like 200hz and lowpass at 2000 hz and lots of verb/compression. Or you could just record with the tone knob pretty low at your guitar. Btw impressive song choice to cover, especially since your a drummer.
If you mean the middle part of the song when the clean gtr plays solo, highpass pretty high like 200hz and lowpass at 2000 hz and lots of verb/compression. Or you could just record with the tone knob pretty low at your guitar. Btw impressive song choice to cover, especially since your a drummer.

If you mean the part near 4:10 that sounds like the outro from Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" but more smoother, I wouldn't nessecarily lowpass that low, because then the reverb might not "stick". I would say to use a clean channel with reverb, a bit of delay and some mild modulation, use which ever makes it sound good (chorus, flanger, phaser, wah...)