Clearly the way to mosh!

Tumn you would get your skinny ass broken in two if you were in there.

Glad I'm not a fat worthless human, or I'd be like some of those idiots whose only purpose in life is to use their size to knock people over at a concert and feel better about themselves.
I don't think thats very fair to call those people worthless humans when all their having is a good time. when you go see a band like that you expect the whole crowd to get involved thats what happnes at these shows.
Moshing ruins a good chunk of shows I've seen. Seems it's just a bunch of football players roughing each other up. I understand that the music fuels you up...but you don't have to act like a bunch of apes.
I've been in a few moshes now, the craziest was a Black Dahlia Murder one that got out of hand and I got out of there. It ruins the spirit of the show when people actually start getting angry and punching each other, and you see a big fat guy bulldoze like 5 people at once and in the process hurting like 10 people. Based on a true story.

I myself like to headbang and occasionally go a little crazy (as you'd expect from a metal show), but when I can't actually listen to the music and watch the show because assholes are either moshing like fucking idiots or emo kids are practicing their fucking kung fu dancing, I get annoyed.