Cleveland show on 2/2


Dope Fiend
Sep 25, 2002
Cleveland, Ohio
Who is going? I have heard from sources that it may very well sell out.
Also, there is another hip hop show going on in the Theatre that same night, so hopefully it will not get too crazy.
I am going to get there late. Napalm Death is following DT, so I may stay for a few songs by them but I have seen Nile before and they do not really interest me.
Dark Tranquillity fans must suck. On the Opeth board there were like 30 people who came to see them, and many coming from out of town.
DT fans must suck? Something around 30 people that post on the Opeth board came to see them, many of them out of town? Could they possibly be... DT fans? Or did they waste that time and money to specifically see a band they had no interest in?
Well, I would see them, but I don't happen to live in America! :mad:


(..And thank God for that! :rolleyes: )
(Or whoever.)(My parents would be more logical, I spose..)(...Sorry, ..saturday morning... :rolleyes: )
Originally posted by Oaklain
Dark Tranquillity fans must suck. On the Opeth board there were like 30 people who came to see them, and many coming from out of town.

maybe i'm stupid but i'm really not getting the connection... what do you mean, exactly? that there's few of them on the opeth board? or in cleveland? or...?

i'm not being polemic, i simply do not understand, sorry if i'm dense. :)

There are 129482742 gig threads..
We need one thread which is dedicated for upcoming gigs..
Reason: These threads are fuc***g boring.