Cliff Burton 2/10/62 - 9/27/86


Hey Gordy!
Aug 23, 2005
West by God Virginia :worship:
It has been 19 years today. I remember going to school and some chick came up and told me, I didn't believe her. I went and found my metal friends and they said it was true. At least I was lucky enough to have seen him opening for Ozzy August 1, 1986. Well, rock on Cliff! Where is my Cliff Em All DVD? There needs to be a yearly CliffFest. Does anyone know of such a thing? Please give links to your favorite site:I know there are a bunch.
I never forget this day - because today is also my mom's birthday.
That keeps me the day always in mind



I was watching my Cliff `em all DvD yesterday and almost everytime I see it cannot help staring at Cliff`s playing. I was 7 year old when he passed would had been great to see him alive. 19 years ago, a man died and a metal legend was born.
Today i wore my black shoe lace wrapped round my wrist, as i do and will do every year, to remember cliff. And later i shall be going out for the anual "For Cliff" drink down the pub
19 years ago a hole was ripped open in the musical world, and it has never and will never be filled

I was born just two weeks after cliffs death. I would give everything in the world to have seen him live,

We fuckin love ya Cliff!
I can't believe it is 19 years ago. I was 13 when he died and had just got into Metallica. I just missed out on the tour with Anthrax they did in the UK and he then died a week or so later. Tragic.
I always remember this day, being my birthday as well. 27th September 1986 was an awful birthday for me, waking to the news that he had been killed in a coach crash. I had just been to my first gig a few days before that to see Metallica and Anthrax play in Belfast. Awful times.

RIP Cliff. RIP Metallica. They were never the same band after that day.
I remeber that day like it was yesterday.
I was listining to my fav. Metal show that W.R.T.N.
The disc jokey Matt O'shaunassy (My spelling sux)made the announcement it was so frigging sad.
I cound'nt believe it and I seen Metallica a few months before it happened.
The radio show that night had an interview with Scott Ian who was on tour with Metallica at that time and like Scott said that night everyone is in shock.
I was 11 yrs old when cliff died. my cousin actually saw cliff in 86 when metallica toured a city that is about 25 miles or so where i live. My cousin said "shit man cliff is fucking
tall" my cousin is about 6'2 or so. He also said that he asked cliff if they (metallica) were going to come back and cliff said, "hell yeah next year" ..long live the 4 string motherfucker....
I feel old. I seen Cliff and Metallica 4 times and, I was 20 years old when he died. It also was my sisters birthday (what a wierd coincidence the birthday thing is) she was a big Metallica fan also. We got drunk and listened to Metallica tunes all night. I had the privilage of watching Metallica from the 2nd row as they blew Ozzy of stage on the Master of Puppets tour (then at the Aragon ballroom in chicago when they headlined). Ozzy sucked and was wasted and Jake E. Lee was right behind him. We packed up and walked out 3 songs into his set. best 80 dollars i ever gave a scalper for 40 minutes worth of awesome music.
I still have a skateboard with Cliff's autograph on it. I kept it for that reason alone.

We can now only imagine how different the world of metal would be if he was still here.