Clifton Park show


New Metal Member
Aug 25, 2003
Albany, NY
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Fuckin' kickin show...I was down at the front - we were balls of sweat at the end! I think someone else already posted the setlist, but here it is anyway:
1. What Doesn't Die
2. Black Dahlia
3. Got The Time
4. Caught In A Mosh
5. Safe Home
6. Crush
7. Antisocial
8. Black Lodge
9. Madhouse
10. Refuse To Be Denied
11. NFL
12. Only
13. Be All End All
14. Metal Thrashing Mad
15. Whole Lotta Rosie
16. Indians

I gotta say, this was a much cooler set list than the Poughkeepsie show...I also saw them with Motorhead in NJ a few months back and that was amazing too.
Only thing that sucked...
Laguna Coil...oh man, they were SUCH corporate rock poseurs! You could tell they were just dying for MTV stardom, videos, etc. They had a chick singer + sounded a LOT like Effanescense. I only hope Scott + co. had NOTHING to do with picking this band.