Clip from our demo, feedback please...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I've been recording our new demo for the last month, and right now I'm trying to get a decent sound. All I feel now is that I've been listening to much on it I'm almost getting sick of it. So maybe it's a great time to get feedback and opinions from some of the awesome people on the andy sneap forum.

So give it your worst shot!

added a NEW clip:

If you want to know more about my band check out:
One thing to say : fantastic ! And this is only a demo ? It's sounding far better than most albums out there. I like the music a lot as well, very pantera-esque. Can you tell us more about how you made it ? Drums (triggers, mics...) ? Guitars (amps, how many, mics...) ? Etc...
Why thanks! I think it sounds awful, but I think my ears are damaged after 1 week of only listening to the demo. I think I'll have a week break now.

Kick,snare and toms are triggered, snare is half mic, half trigg. I used the apulsoft trigger(thanks to another post here). The guitars are EMGs with 500k pots into a Engl Powerball. Celestion V30 speakers with SM57 straight on.
Bass was a Bass Pod.
It's killer. But I think the bass guitar has too much high end. It's too "clicky". I just got back from band practice, and my ears or shot, but I can still hear that clattering bass track clear as day. Other than that, KILLER!
damn, you european guys kill all of the musicianship in the u.s. i think you should move over here & show us how its done. we have a handful of good musicians (including STEVE VAI) rescue us from crappy karaoke. d. braxton henry
yeah.... sounds awesome for a demo. Only the Cymbals be a bit wrong in the mix. Maybe you route them on a group and shelf or highcut them on 8 -12 Khz. Try to vary frequency. Makes them sounding lesser aggressive.
I totaly agree with GGI about the guitar tracks.
The song is awesome and the mix is great. So, no need to worry, you did a fine job.
I wish by band's demo sounded like this.

The guitars are very thick even with just 2 tracks. Which settings did you used on the amp? How did you set up the distortion? How did you eq the guitars?

Also, the kick drum is very powerful. I enjoy very much these kicks that cut throught the mix. Which sample did you used? Did you eq it?

What kind of recording equipment did you used? Did you used outboard or plugins? Did you used mic preamps?

I'm sorry for all these questions, but IMO you did such a great job.
FUCK:yuk: I wrote this really long post about how I did recorded everything and providing the answers to your questions... Crap, well I'll do a short version then. :tickled:

First i'd like to thank all for the input! Because of that I'll give you something more to listen to(my favourite part of the song, the intro):

I considered doubling the guitars but cause we're not James Hetfields on the guitar, I think the result would've been sloppy. So 2 guitars it is!

Don't have the ENGL settings here but it was ch 3, open mids, pres/punch knobs around 3 o clock. The rest is just easy to dial in. The gain was set to about 8 o clock, so it was pretty low. Nothing major EQ-wise. Just cut everything above 6200Hz, and used the Logic Multipressor for lower frequencies.

The kick is from Drumkit from Hell. Actually I don't fancy the kicks from DFH but with a little tweaking it did fine.

We recorded everything through our Mackie D8b console, into a MOTU 2408, into a G4 with Logic 7. Every effect except reverb are done within Logic.

Hope that will help!
Goddamn Guitar said:
FUCK:yuk: I wrote this really long post about how I did recorded everything and providing the answers to your questions... Crap, well I'll do a short version then. :tickled:

First i'd like to thank all for the input! Because of that I'll give you something more to listen to(my favourite part of the song, the intro):

I considered doubling the guitars but cause we're not James Hetfields on the guitar, I think the result would've been sloppy. So 2 guitars it is!

Don't have the ENGL settings here but it was ch 3, open mids, pres/punch knobs around 3 o clock. The rest is just easy to dial in. The gain was set to about 8 o clock, so it was pretty low. Nothing major EQ-wise. Just cut everything above 6200Hz, and used the Logic Multipressor for lower frequencies.

The kick is from Drumkit from Hell. Actually I don't fancy the kicks from DFH but with a little tweaking it did fine.

We recorded everything through our Mackie D8b console, into a MOTU 2408, into a G4 with Logic 7. Every effect except reverb are done within Logic.

Hope that will help!
Drumkit from Hell Superior DW-2 used with a plastic beater, sounds good to me... try and let me know hehe
Awesome guitar sound. The rest is pretty cool, too. I should definitely get a better amp :)
BTW: Are you planning to tab some more Nevermore songs? :p
Are you planning to tab some more Nevermore songs? :p

when i was at Jeff Loomis' house in Washington a couple months ago to record him for the Death tribute album i'm working on i introduced him to Powertab, and used it to transcribe the famous River Dragon part... you know.. the crazy diminished part... Jeff showed me note-for-note as i entered it in to Powertab on his PC... including harmonies. i'd be happy to pass on the .ptb file not anyone who is interested if Jeff says it's Ok to do so.. i'll ask him next time he's on line.
Deathlef said:
Awesome guitar sound. The rest is pretty cool, too. I should definitely get a better amp :)
BTW: Are you planning to tab some more Nevermore songs? :p
Hehe sorry man but no more tabbing for me. As I noticed pretty fast, people tend to steal the tabs and claim them their own. They changed like 2 notes and wrote their names on it. If that is the thanks for tabbing I rather keep the tabs for myself.