Clip, need help with bass tone

This is a good mix. Very Killswitch-eque, maybe a little too much though =/.

From what I hear the bass works well for this, I'd like a bit more 1.7khz though. It's a bit dark.

Also, dont cut the guitars so closely on the staccato parts, it sounds uber-edited.

Lower those synths, they're making this mix au-gratin :heh:

I don't have many criticisms, the playing is great and it's well produced.
good call man. I have no clue right now. All my gear is an hour away from my studio and I am too lazy to lug my head and cab home. I will try and mic it up and do some clips soon though for sure.
I know you (felt). I was in that sit-cha-ashin once and it was quite unpleasant. I haven't had a chance to mic up a 4x12 in far too long. The adults that live in my house have no love for metal, I told em I'm kickin' em out:heh:
i think the bass tone fits the song well! and i really dig the tune, sounds like a mixture of dark tranquility and nightrage leads