Tracked the krank a little bit.....

oh yeah my bad haha forgot all about the amp. Yeah its the Revolution with a tubescreamer out front. I tend to keep the sweep at about 3 just bc I like a more midrange oriented tone.
haha, yeah was going to say....

mines usually at 3 or 4 - been curious to see what would happen getting the sweep higher and backing off on the treble......may off something different.

haha I don't know man. Always seems to get a little thin the higher I go. Maybe I am playing it too safe though.
Hey guys thanks for the kind words. Its just a 57 thrown on my Mesa Oversized. I think it might even be straight on the speaker bc that sounded best. The mic pre was my Presonus Firebox bc my Firepod went down last week. As for post EQ theres a little boost in the 2.5 area and I cut a little bit in the 300 area to remove some of the boxyness.

Hmm, 2.5k is pretty much exactly what I'd call the nasal range; maybe ditch the boost there?
How is the rev vs rev+

Our other guitar player has a Rev + and to me it seems like it has less gain, but that could be how he is running it also, but none the less it does sound awesome. Not real sure on the big differences though. Haven't really had the chance to check it out a ton.
Our other guitar player has a Rev + and to me it seems like it has less gain, but that could be how he is running it also, but none the less it does sound awesome. Not real sure on the big differences though. Haven't really had the chance to check it out a ton.

if you ever get a chance, compare it to some other amps :-)
Upon listening through my monitors today it does sound a bit woofy. I dont know about nasal sounding so much though. It may be that, thats the tone I am used to. But yeah theres this low end I dont know woofyness that needs to be dialed out fo sho.

As for settings it was

Bass: 6

Mid: 3

Treble: 5

Sweep: 4

Pres: 2

Gain: 5
so yeah I tried messing around with Revalver a little bit too and made another clip. Anyways I guess what I am trying to do is find the tone for my bands EP. Oh the constant struggle haha. Anyways I updated the above with the Revalver clip.
Man... I just picked up a 3ch Dualie. Ignore the internet rumormill. The 2ch's do sound different, but the 3ch is not bad at all, by any means. You gotta dial the high end in a bit differently and it might have a bit more top end sizzle, but it's got more of a slick sound to it, which really works for a lot of applications.

Plus, the orange and red channels are voiced differently enough to make that variance worth dealing with whatever might ail the 3ch over the 2ch!

I've owned a 3ch dual before... sold it buy a van for my band... regretting it to this day... though I still have the van and its an awesome van...

anyway, yeah... I have access to a 3ch Triple any day I want as my roommate (drummer) owns one and hardly ever uses it...

I'm just thinking I want one again, i also want a 5150 again and want a krank... i have issues...