CLIP: Orange Rockerverb 100 MKII + Orange PPC412

Clark Kent

Jan 23, 2011
Finally got my Orange PPC412!! This was recorded at my apartment so mic placement is blind folded and volume neighbor friendly.

ISP Decimator on all the time. During the first minute there's a BBE Green Screamer in front. Doesn't actually change the tone a whole lot.

So... this is just me wanking and messing around with bare bones stuff and my prefactory PRS. <3
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Some horrid reverb-ish sound when the gate closes. Tonally... I think it could be a bit less fuzzy. I'm assuming you couldn't really open the amp up though.
Some horrid reverb-ish sound when the gate closes. Tonally... I think it could be a bit less fuzzy. I'm assuming you couldn't really open the amp up though.

Yeah, like I said I couldn't crank the amp. :) Gate could've been tighter and I noticed that but didn't really care enough to make another clip since I'm editing a music video on a schedule. :D