CLIP: Recto into g12T-75

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
just fannying about with this setup (trying to like the t75 ab bit more).
I was going for a kinda DHIADW feel...hence the similarities in the riff...I used a bit more Gain though, it was not my goal to copy it spot on....I just wanted to achieve a good tone with the t75...which has always been hard for me.
I really don't like this speaker too much...still some of my very favorite tones have been recorded with this speaker so I though I'd give it another try.

how do you like it?

And I Still Believe In Andy
the boomyness comes from the bass, I didn't spend much time on that.
2x sm57, both mics were on was dead center, the other one a bit more to the side.
the outer one was like 10-20dB softer than the center mic

EDIT: reduced the volume of the bassguitar a bit...same link
Sounds good Lasse.

I've always liked playing my Recto through my Marshall cab on the occasion I haven't got my traditional cab with me. I have only tried micing it through that cab once through and I had the mids too high and it came out very boxy.

I'd love to hear this tone in a mix...I think it'd sound great. :)
Sounds good to me! I don't think 75s are bad speakers, but they are not my favorites. The generous low end is pretty fun to play on, but I'm not always a fan of the high end sizzle...although with certain amps it is cool!

Pretty cool, a bit more sizzly than DHIADW, but honestly, sizzle is kinda what I feel that tone needs more of, so I dig it! Still, it could use a bit of taming IMO, a happy medium! :D
Sounds good!

Why don't you ever post drums with your clips?

well...just trying some reamping between my projects....don't have the time or skills to program drums ;)

usually when I'm posting full songs with drums it's from bands I'm producing/mixing etc....
these comparison clips are jut shootouts I'm doing for myself which I thought you could be interested in
Lasse, try to aim the mic on axis, just outside the dustcap and move it close/further away until you get some high end. Sounds just little too "centered".

oh, I like it btw!