Speaker upgrade for a cab - Celestion G12T-100?


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
So I have a basscombo that uses a stock speaker.. it's a Warwick Blue Cab 60.1.. (power rating 60W, max. 80W, 8 ohms,)
But I'm using it for guitar..
The tone isn't all that hot and I've read some Warwick users recommending to switch out the speaker for something better, this is of course for bass..

Like I said, I'm using it for guitar and thought I'd get a new speaker..
Found an ad for a brand new Celestion G12T-100 8, for 45€.. cheap (right?)..
Used the Sneapsearch (google) but didn't get good results about the speaker, seems though most recommend other speakers.. not saying what the issues are with it..

So, what's the opinion on it?

I could get a used Celestion G12-75 8ohm for about the double price of the G12T-100.. but that would hurt my wallet right now..

I need a budget speaker that hopefully could work for bass, as well, as for guitar..
You can use a guitar speaker just fine. A bass amp is 80% of the time just a solid state power amp. You will probably need a pedal or a pre-amp or something to get appropriate guitar tone.

Just DON'T run bass through it! Well unless you use like a Delta Pro, or EVM12...killer speakers for bass and guitar. The Delta will be cheaper.

I would avoid the Swamp Thang, they are really dark and only start to sound good when cranked.

Personally, for low volumes and such, I would probably go with a Vintage 30, The Governor, WGS Veteren, or The Wizard. Notice 3/4 of those are Vintage 30 or Vintage 30 based. The Vintage 30 is pretty much a standard, and I like them since tones sound more like Vintage 30's than the amp. They even save cheapy Crate amps and make them usable.
A few months later..
Some other gear prios turned up..

Next month, October, I'll order a new speaker..
I've been checking out examples, some youtube-vids, of your suggestions as well..

These are the ones I found I liked, based on people recording good and crappy examples..
Eminence Legend GB128 guitar speaker - 50W RMS, 8 Ohms
Eminence DELTA-12A, 12" woofer, 400W RMS, 8 Ohms
Celestion G12T-75 12" Speaker - 75W/8 Ohms
Celestion Vintage 30 guitar speaker - 12", 60watts/8 Ohms

I did like some clips of Swamp Thang and some other speakers..
But I guess the Vintage 30 will be versitale enough.. maybe it can handle some bass, not gonna blast the walls down..
The combo is 60W, 8 Ohms, so it fits the amp..

I don't know how the Delta would perform, since it's 400W.. but the description says it's suited for both bass and guitar..
It's not the Pro version you mentioned, and I can't find tests of it.. :/

More ideas?