Hi music lovers.
I just wanted to spread the word about our (Cloudscape) brand new "forum" that is online. Please visit us and register yourself....be a part of the discussions that´s going on there
For you who don´t know anything about us I can tell you that we released our debut album in Asia during December 2004 and all over Europe the 31:st of January. The U.S release is just around the corner and will hit the stores within a few weeks (it has been delayed due to technical matters regarding the pressing of the album but, those things are solved now). Our music is describes as "Melodic metal with progressive touches". Some reviewers have compared us "stylewise" to bands like Symphony X, Last Tribe, Royal Hunt, Dream Theater etc etc.
Our website is located at: http://www.cloudscape.se
C:ya there
Thanx You for taking the time reading this
Cheers: Mike (Cloudscape)
I just wanted to spread the word about our (Cloudscape) brand new "forum" that is online. Please visit us and register yourself....be a part of the discussions that´s going on there

For you who don´t know anything about us I can tell you that we released our debut album in Asia during December 2004 and all over Europe the 31:st of January. The U.S release is just around the corner and will hit the stores within a few weeks (it has been delayed due to technical matters regarding the pressing of the album but, those things are solved now). Our music is describes as "Melodic metal with progressive touches". Some reviewers have compared us "stylewise" to bands like Symphony X, Last Tribe, Royal Hunt, Dream Theater etc etc.
Our website is located at: http://www.cloudscape.se
C:ya there

Thanx You for taking the time reading this

Cheers: Mike (Cloudscape)