CLOUDSCAPE needs YOUR help!!:)

Mr Accolade

Jan 14, 2004
Hi folks.

We (Cloudscape) will film a video for 1 song taken from our new album (Crimson skies) but, it´s hard to agree to 1 song. Therefor I have started a "Poll" in the Cloudscape forum so, if you are familiar with our new album "Crimson skies" would you please do us the honour by registering at our "forum" and give your VOTE. There are 3 songs that we have agreed to so, choose one of them. You´ll find the thread in the first forum section (discussion).

Here´s a link to the Cloudscape FORUM:

Looking forward to Your vote and welcome onboard in the Cloudscape forum.

Cheers: Mike
Mike it has to be "Breech in My Sanity" that songs says all there needs to be said about CLOUDSCAPE.
Pyramaze51 said:
Mike it has to be "Breech in My Sanity" that songs says all there needs to be said about CLOUDSCAPE.
The thing you say about Breach in my sanity is the exact thing many of our fans say about "Shapeshifter";) "Will we remain" has been played several times in the main radio stations in Sweden:)

Thanx for your votes and please join the discussions in our forum and make it more "alive":)

For you haven´t voted ´please do us the honour:)

Cheers: Mike
Okay then do all three, hehehehehehe just kidding, but it would be great if you could. I mean to me there is not a bad song at all on the CD, they all scream CLOUDSCAPE, some more so than others. My advise, put the names of the songs in a hat, reach in and pull one out, you can't go wrong.
Hehe, that should do it;). I know that 2 of the guys in the band would like to film Shapeshifter but, the other 3 I don´t know yet;). We´ll see what our forum visitors chooses:)
I have changed the Poll;). After discussing with my bandmates we decided to include all songs on "Crimson skies" in the Poll so, please enter our forum and give us Your vote. "Guardian"...please choose Demon Tears in our forum:)

Cheers: Mike
First of all to all of you who have voted I´d say...THANK YOU:))))

I really hope that more gentlemen and ladies from this forum that are familiar with "Crimson skies" will help us voting because, the filming will start on October 7. The POLL will be online ´til SEPTEMBER 10 because, the director must have some time to plan for the video in the perspective of art and everything that comes to it.
Thanx for voting The whisper:)

I like Shadowland (and all the other songs as well...of course....would´ve been strange if I didn´t;) but, according to reviews I´ve read ´Shadowland seems to be a "love or hate" song so, maybe our listeners shares that opinion...I don´t know;)?
TheWhisper said:
Voted for 'Shadowland'...can't believe I'm the only one who has voted for that song, so far.

:Smug: if I hadn't been limited to voting for only three songs to start, I would certainly have voted for Shadowland, as it is my favorite song on the album so far.

The Whisper - look for my comment on their forum as pathfinderhoyt and you'll see.
Mr Accolade said:
I have changed the Poll;). After discussing with my bandmates we decided to include all songs on "Crimson skies" in the Poll so, please enter our forum and give us Your vote. "Guardian"...please choose Demon Tears in our forum:)

Cheers: Mike

how dare you change the voting process after I made my [limited] choice! I demand a recount! :kickass:

Hey guys, let us all know what the final choice is here ; )

Also if you need help in the editing, I have a guy in California
that is a young budding film dude, he's done a few short films and a few vid's he's hungary, and perhaps would have some cool ideas, let me know
if your interested and I'll hook you up, wouldn't hurt to try, the price is right !!

Hey guys, let us all know what the final choice is here ; )

Also if you need help in the editing, I have a guy in California
that is a young budding film dude, he's done a few short films and a few vid's he's hungary, and perhaps would have some cool ideas, let me know
if your interested and I'll hook you up, wouldn't hurt to try, the price is right !!


Thanx for the tip but, we will work with the same guy who did the "Under fire" video + maybe a guy who works with animations and stuff (depending on which song we will film;). However, I will keep your tip in mind for future videos:)