CLOWN ON HER - Does he really say that and what might it mean?

Here's a pic of a few of my personal friends a few weeks back...LOL


Motherfucking repped.
You should all watch it. It has some of the best lines ever caught on tape.

[After Tone has succesfully inserted his nuts in woman's a-hole]
On-looker: Nutsa... N-n-nutsack in the asshole... Lets see you flip the dick down the pussy. Put the dick down the pussy.

Tone: Ooh yeah. Fuck Yeah.
black guy: Fuck you, bitch.

And several other classics
I could swear that I've seen this exact thread before, possibly on SOT/SOT2? Fantastic stuff nonetheless, as is Tony Eveready's Wikipedia entry.

Wikipedia said:
As the coitus drew to a close, Eveready first extracted his penis from Angel's vagina, making an extremely uncharacteristic popping noise. Stranger still was Eveready's extraction of his testes from Angel's anus; these too made a disturbingly interesting popping noise, yet characteristically different from the first one. Eveready himself concluded the exclamations by yelling the now-famous quote,

Booyah! Mmmmmmmmnnnnnh!

Also, from Urbandictionary: Clown on her

Usually negroes use this word which means to jizz on some bitch they're currently fucking

"Oh clown on her Tyrone" said Bubba
Negars were known to fuck Paul Bunyan in the ass. Poor guy couldn't distinguish the encroachers from bobbing stool samples, due mostly in part that their teeth and lips were easily mistaken for the undigested white corn and tomato peel he had consumed in his cobb salad after a mighty day of timbering.
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^., although i'm willing to overlook it if the rest of the show is good. and yeah, this was on SOT2 a while back, that's where i first saw it :erk: :lol:
Hmm, did anyone save the video and can reupload?

I am having trouble explaining the clown on her concept to someone and need an example...
how do you have trouble explaining the concept? the guy in the video describes it perfectly (NUTS IN DA ASS, DICK IN DA PUSSY) and he can't be more than one-twelfth as literate as yourself.