
I mean its not like Blind Guardian and Symphony X can sell out an arena, not here in the States anyways. Blame it on how lame radio is these days, I only know one station here in the SF Bay Area that has even played Symphony X and that is a buddy of mine Billy Steele at 107.7 The Bone Metal Zone on friday nights. Also at least they are touring, its better than never being able to see them play live at all.

Originally posted by RequiemX
What is Symphony X playing at smaller clubs/bars? That's a serious turn-off for me.

I can only speak for four of the places they're playing, and while two of them aren't exactly Madison Square Garden, they're still pretty good rooms. Birch Hill in Jersey and Jaxx in VA are both fairly big places, and even if they're not gorgeous theater-style places, they are THE places to play in those areas. They get big crowds, and that's the important thing.

As for The World in NYC, this is probably one of the nicest places I've ever had the pleasure of being in. Wait until you guys see this place.:grin: Le Medley in Montreal is also gorgeous. I hope they still have those pretty Christmas lights draped along the walls...

So, some of the joints this tour is hitting are pretty spectacular and could bring SX to the attention of plenty of people who may never have heard of them before.

I'll be at the NYC and Jersey shows. ;)

I posted that comment as part of a larger comment as comment to a thread a week ago! Why has it appeared alone, and not in tact?

What the original comment was saying was that in St. Paul, Symphony X was playing at a bar in a rougher part of town. A part of town that I didn't want to go at night. Especially when St. Paul is over three hours away, and I'm not even legal drinking age yet.