Coalition against hardcore dancing!

Put the Kung-Fu kids in a pit with the windmill kids and tell them whoever comes out alive gets an exclusive extra-small baby-blue babydoll t-shirt autographed by all the members of Taking Back Sunday.
Funny as fuck. Saw this "dancing" for the first time at a God Forbid gig last year. Me and my mate Scoob just looked at each other and shook our heads in disbelief. Stop this shite now!!!
Thanks for posting that, it's funny as shit!

Check out the "wall of death" or the "braveheart" Fuck! Where do these people think this retardation up??
I was at a metal gig a while ago and for some stupid reason there was 1 or 2 hardcore bands there. 1 or 2 guys got up to dance like fucking retards when a metalhead runs in and chops them to the back of the head. This repeated constantly for the length of the hardcore bands' sets.

I think it's ridiculously stupid and fucked up. Don't they get sore limbs from doing that?
You know... its like looking at a conference for people suffering from aneurisms. How can anyone call that dancing? There is something mildly comforting about it though. If someone says you are a bad dancer, you can always point them in this direction. Tell them they can't bitch about you stepping on their toes anymore. At least you're not giving them a black eye. Heh.