One has been confirmed and will be released february 2005.

It'll feature a whole live show as well as interviews and the usual band dvd crap.
NeedledWarheart said:
One has been confirmed and will be released february 2005.

It'll feature a whole live show as well as interviews and the usual band dvd crap.
what? I think that DVDs with tons of extras kick ass! in Music DVDs I mean, not in movie DVDs.
isnt the dvd ep kinda a dvd? its got the trashed in helsinki thing and sixpounder official video and everytime i die and downfall live, and the tls official video, so isn't it kinda like a band dvd> but just small..
hey guys bodom is only 7 years on music scene they must get into busines in europe they are playing in small clubs i know they are headlining in europe but if they are the headliner the must have a support group. they must play in arenas and so on. if they will play in small mouse holes they will never relese a good dvd.
They don't have to be as known as Judas Priest to make a DVD....many smaller bands already have a full show released on DVD. The place where they will be headlining in Montreal is pretty big. Iced Earth, Cradle Of Filth and In Flames alway book this place. I don't know if anyone have seen the bonus DVD with the album Fate of Norns b Amon Amarth?'s from a show they did in Iceland...and I doubt that any metal band released a DVD in a smaller place than that. But it is still very enjoyable. We don't really need to see a big ass stage of 40ft of height....have a crowd over 50 000 and see firewords (*cough* A singer getting hit *cough*) Also... a DVD is probably the best way to promote your band and tell everyone you give a hell of a show. :rock:
janez79 said:
hey guys bodom is only 7 years on music scene they must get into busines in europe they are playing in small clubs i know they are headlining in europe but if they are the headliner the must have a support group. they must play in arenas and so on. if they will play in small mouse holes they will never relese a good dvd.

You have a point there.
But almost every band has a live DVD in these days, so why not?
Bands like Dark Tranquillity and Nightwish for example but also a lot of "smaller bands did.
well children of bodom is allmost like judas priest these days.. they promoted HCDR at mtv and stuff! everyone have heard about them i guess :)
well..someone must video tape it ...just to be sure you know...and then upload it to some internet server ;)