Cob On Headbangers Ball Usa!!! 3/27/04


Jun 15, 2003
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Holy Shit I Cant Believe It!

They're Talking With Damage Plan And A Sixpounder Clip Is Being Looped!

They Fucking Know About Cob!

Now Lets Get Them To Play The Video God Dammit!!!!!!!!!

Spread The Word Motherfuckers!

Dammit! Leave it to MTV to put one good video with a whole bunch of krawp! I stopped watching it halfway through!

...wait a minute. I taped it...heh, no worries then. I can't wait to watch it!
just to clear things up, it was an audio clip loop of video footage..but they KNOW about bodom! and they arent playing!!! stupid MTV
you just have to suck it up and realize that this is america...its all about money. its not about what gets yeah, i watch it every week, and enjoy 90 percent of the bands on there...its just music, so why spend so much time hating it? just enjoy the moment!
at MagSec4

Uranium is on Fuse, which used to be the Much Music channel (I think it is a Canadien channel, but not sure). They play some cool shit, but some crap also, but its only half an hour. There is also Uranium Classics they play shit from the 80's and 90's a lot of Metallica.
Man, I was watching The Ball that day and I missed that half of the show. It figures... they play 20 shit songs that aren't even metal and then when I start watching The Doors, on comes CoB.