COBHC Hoodie

DragonKeeper said:
you people make me fee like a midget...
i am 19, 5' 4'', and about 96lbs. so ya, you have nothing to complain about hehe. small band shirts, etc are hard to come by!
aleski isnt very beefy, im guessing he is about 5'8-5'9" ish.

small band shirts aren't hard to come by if you like crappy music :) there's plenty emo bands that have tiny shirts

the smallest metal shirt i have is a size S hate crew finland shirt. good luck to anyone else finding a better band in that size (that isn't a girlie/baby tee shirt) :D
nah, they aren't very comfortable. the arms are too short and rub up against the armpits too much
there's a million and one other ways to flaunt my tits, i don't need a shitty baby tee to do it :D
DragonKeeper said:
you people make me fee like a midget...
i am 19, 5' 4'', and about 96lbs. so ya, you have nothing to complain about hehe. small band shirts, etc are hard to come by!
aleski isnt very beefy, im guessing he is about 5'8-5'9" ish.

pssh, i'm 5'1, 105 lbs and I have to hem all of my band shirts so they can fit correctly.
Profanity: No. I don't know how I got this small. Maybe it has to do with my parents. My Dad is 6'2", and my Birth Mother was...5'2" - 5'3", I beleive.