COBOT Height/Size/Ego List

Heights are a funny thing, i remember as a kid i took height very seriously, everyone wanted to be the tallest and i was 2nd tallest in my class, with 169 back in those days, my best friend(girl) was like 171 and it pissed me off so much and she knew it :lol: she used to gloat and brag about it(we were very young, think like 14-15ish) and kept pointing out how i was shorter than her. Today she's still around 171, i'm 190, i had the last laugh

I just love the balance of topics

how they r not only off topic from CoB, but they are off-topic withing the topic but still in topic >.< brain chills
haha 17
and clever i have heard that stupid phrase so much "what are you like 12?" people use it way too often to try to insult people and truthfully that person knows the other person is not 12 and is just failing at insulting
Swabs, the #1 newfag exterminator

Hey I don't just attack newfags indiscriminately. Brutal Hate is a newfag but he proved himself capable of intelligent conversation so I'm cool with him now. But more recent additions to this forum seem to be just plain fucking idiots.
wow, at first i thought "You know these guys might be somewhat sane" but now I see that a lot of dicks are here. and r possibly insane

well so far swabs you are a hypocrit because I have yet to see a intelligent word from u, just stupid comments and insults
okay sorry we got off to the wrong foot, lets try this again,

hi swabs, nice to meet you

(I really hate making enemys i really do, i wanna try to patch this up)
Hey I don't just attack newfags indiscriminately. Brutal Hate is a newfag but he proved himself capable of intelligent conversation so I'm cool with him now. But more recent additions to this forum seem to be just plain fucking idiots.

You pretty much just summed up newfag with the words Someone who is incapable of intelligent conversation. I was praising brah.

Also it seems that everytime a CoB tour the US there is an influx of retardation.
That's not how it works. Within your first few posts you immediately came across as being a stereotypically "omg so hyper lololol!!!11!!" emo teenfaggot. Trust me, there's a lot of you on the internet, you're quite easy to spot. Unless you miraculously start posting with some sense and without the ridiculous immature sense of humour, we're not going to get along.

I'm sorry but that's just how it goes. Same applies to "apeofgod666".