Coeliac's disease sucks


Much less calm than you
Sep 14, 2004
As I sit here, watching and smelling Ben and Nils eat pizza, I feel the need to vent. Since having been recently diagnosed with Coeliac's disease I cannot eat gluten which is in wheat, oats, barley, and rye as well as a bunch of preservatives. This blows. I can get through most things ok but sitting here watching the favorite food that I will never get to eat again I start getting pissed. Oh yeah, I can't have beer either. Fuck.
they have rice bread and rice flour pizza dough that is pretty bomb. my little bro used to not be able to eat wheat and stuff. he cured himself of it but it was a bitch to do.
We should just have this as the rolling gekko bitching thread, kinda like the rolling movie thread. I will say though, he has my sympathy on the issue though, for som reason or another I can't digest the dye in orange soda or grape soda (don't know what it is about fruit flavoered sodas, perhaps they are against God) and that alone is hard enough. All I even get is MASSIVE, debillitating heart burn. Like I'm talking, sitting and sweating like a fat guy on speed heart burn.
Who would want to drink orange or grape soda anyway.

Yeah, Gekko, you'll have to learn to cook yourself some rice flour pizza, and to be completly honest, like minx says, it isn't that much different. It is a good opportunity to become a good cook...
Is there such a thing as rice beer?
I need to look into that
Firedwarf said:
What happens if you eat it?

To me? Possibly nothing, some people who have it have violent reactions involving diarrhea and vomiting, as well as more long term stuff like anemia and failure to thrive(stunted growth, sickliness etc) but I am a-symptomatic. unfortunately, down the road it can lead to an increased risk of colon cancer, diabetes and a couple of other unpleasant things. Thats part of what makes sticking to the diet tough, cause I know breaking the rules won't really hurt me now, but if I continue, who knows what might happen down the road.
most stores (like wholefoods etc) also have tons of non-wheat based stuff esp in their freezer sections like kamut bread/spelt bread, things w/o yeast like rice flour bread. i'm sure it'll seem weird at first but i never eat normal bread and i think this stuff is pretty ok.
great minxnim! I'm bookmarking that site, it seems to have some really good stuff.