CoF split.....


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
In a surprise recent move, it seems that every single member of Cradle Of Filth has left the band after an argument about whose boots were whose. Despite this, a spokesman for Sony said: “The band is still very much a going concern. Any vocalists, drummers, guitarists, bassists and keyboard players interested in auditioning for the outfit should keep an eye on the press. This may be an unusual decision but we feel CoF have much more yet to offer the nation’s youth, regardless of who is actually in the band.” Half a dozen northern doom/death bands are bracing themselves for line-up disruption in the wake of this unprecedented six-man vacancy. Cradle fans were understandably shocked and confused by the news. “They don’t care about us fans any more”, grunted Nik Sinister 25. “They sold out long ago anyway. How dare they make a living from their music.” Dani Filth has already unveiled plans for a new project: “The new band will certainly be as democratic and collaborative as Cradle, this will be a real, vibrant, creative team effort” said the diminutive shrieker. “The project will be going under the name Dani Filth”

I take it this is terrorizer taking the piss as an April fools...
I think I remember Terrorizer having another April Fools with Cradle a couple of years ago. It was something about how their new album (which turned out to be Midian) was going to be about an alien invasion, with tracks about dinosaurs and stuff....

Pretty funny:)
Terrorizer do something like that every year. A few years ago, they did an album review for a band by the name of Arktyk, it got 10/10, was album of the month, and slated as being one of the greatest Black Metal albums ever. Of course, the band was made up, there was a small photo of them, but it was some of the staff wearing corpse paint, in the snow outside their building :lol:

The really funny thing about it, though, was that some distributors fell for it, they advertised it for sale and took orders, on the assumption that it was on the way :lol: