coffee break on guitar...


Apr 11, 2011
i've gone the other way here instead of studio mp3's this is practice rehearsal to recorded on a video cam (i used two). first drop D genre piece i've written, since all other music i've played over the years is now friggin' obsolete!! ( bands like Rush sounds like soft rock)

i wrote this as if i was writing for Asking Alex. It's a tough piece to play ...i am wondering if anyone here can duplicate it. one more thing - the guitar i got a month ago in a junk shop for $100 it's a hondo from the mid 80's

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played humbuckers all my life, never owned a strat. but this one seems to have a really meaty sound.
TS= tube screamer or pickups??

I prefer to play with a drummer or instruments like the Korg on combi mode (synth/drums). The click track for some reason.. i don't like it but for this song have not played with a click much so I am drifting more than a few times.

If a guitar part can stand on it's own I think it would make a good song with the rest of the instruments. Ultimately it's not a sound, or a mix or a riff that is the answer to the question. does the song connect on a emotional level? is there something creative, unique and emotional about the tune.

so rate my mix should be rate my creative, the mix is well secondary.