Coldworker guitar sound

Kevin Kitchel

Junior Muppet
Apr 14, 2002
Lansing, MI

Can you give any of the technical details beind the sound on Contaminated Void? I know you love(d) Izotope Trash, so was that involved? To my ears it sounds like a few different "amps" on each channel, but it is played so tightly that there are only two takes of guitar. Is this the case? Also, can you go into anything about how the material was supplied to you for mixing?

Thank you!

- Kevin

(#1 P.T.M. fan!!)
Each guitarist is dubbed in both left and right channels, one using a Mesa Boogie (double? triple?) Rectifier and one a Peavey 5150. That makes it 4 rhythm guitartracks. The exact mixing of these (pherhaps they are panned like L100, R100, L70, R70 or something?) is something for Dan to tell us :) - also I'm sure he must have used some software on them, like Eq or pherhaps compression.