Colin and As I lay Dying "I never Wanted" vocal effect


Jul 13, 2006
Porto, Portugal
As I lay Dying "I never Wanted" vocal effect...

In the beggining of the song sounds like filtering but there's something else... I'm not talking verb/delay.

Its very noticeable on the words "wanTed" "Care" and "Before"

sounds like a click in the voice that makes such a beautiful and original FX.

I'm going nutz to find out how Colin did that.
autotune? melodyne? all the clean vocals on that album sound super-tuned to me. I think the accented stuff your hear is just plosives and sibilance. The vocalist is hitting hard T's, B's, S's, etc.
I'm not sure dude, I think it's just ultra processed. Wouldn't surprise me if the guy had just sung one note and then created the melody with autotune. :D

Seriously though, I think it's just a filter cut, some serious compression and a little delay/reverb. It's powerful if you do it right, and Colin certainly can.
Wouldn't surprise me if the guy had just sung one note and then created the melody with autotune. :D

I agree that the vocals sound super tuned, but I remember reading an interview with (or a quote from) Adam D where he mentioned that recording that dude's vocals was the easiest time he had ever had getting good takes from a vocalist. I don't know if this means the actual notes though, or if Adam was just straight up looking for the tonal/emotional aspect of things and then tuning.