I remember seeing these guys open for Slough Feg in Charlotte at the Milestone several years ago. I bought a shirt and their 3-song demo. I need to pick up one of their full-lengths. This sounds good!
I remember seeing these guys open for Slough Feg in Charlotte at the Milestone several years ago. I bought a shirt and their 3-song demo. I need to pick up one of their full-lengths. This sounds good!

Was that them? :lol: I guess I have seen them live then. All this time I was thinking I had not caught them live which is very strange considering how often I'm out at shows up here.
heh, I'd have gotten the Game of Thrones reference immediately from that song-title, too.

My old roommie (and original Center stage 'hookup' for Glenn) Tim Hurd is an avid Game of Thrones reader, like me. We now always refer to legendary (and somewhat, uh, 'mountanous') drummer Gene Hoglan as .... The Mountain That Plays. :)
Speaking of ASoIaF references...

Aside from the rather obvious song title "Take the Black" from the same album, I only realized the other day that Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken by Hammerfall takes it title from the house words (or motto) of the Martells of Dorne.

It was cool to catch the reference, but doing so also kinda made me feel geeky. 8)
Just noticed that Colossus has a date booked here this Saturday. Can't wait!

For those in the Atlanta area who are interested:

Saturday, April 14 @ The Archive Gallery
Music Hates You
The Vaginas
Doomed Youth
Lol not to do a shameless plug but have any of you read the lyrics to our first record, brothers of the night? Totally different lineup back then but it's where we started I guess lol....

Speaking of which we are currently working on the 'Dark Wings, Dark Words trilogy' for the next record, with 'After the Fall' and 'The Fire Is Mine' just being named parts 1 and 2 ;)
They are just going to have to wait. I really only have time for ONE band who draws references from GRRM.

I'm weird like that.