'Game of Thrones' Trailer...

I'm really looking forward to this...I think Martin's story could only be done justice in miniseries format and through a venue like HBO. The cast seems great for the large part, although honestly I never pictured Daenerys looking so...uh...pubescent.
I'm really looking forward to this...I think Martin's story could only be done justice in miniseries format and through a venue like HBO. The cast seems great for the large part, although honestly I never pictured Daenerys looking so...uh...pubescent.

They aged some of the children due to the situations they find themselves in - HBO can get away with a lot of things, but a couple of sub-15s in forced relationships is undoubtedly not one of them!
It looks awesome. I've been hearing about the book series for a while.

Finally purchased the first one today after seeing the trailer. My goal is to get through to as many as I can before the TV show is out. =)
I don't have HBO, so I'm really hoping that the whole season/series finds its way to DVD....Does anyone think there's a chance of that happening?
As I understand it, it's going to be one season per book. HBO's notorious for yoinking stuff after the second season, but I hope they at least make it through Storm of Swords!

With regard to the series being finished, GRRM apparently wrote himself into a corner plotwise with something he calls the Meerenese Knot, which seems to be the primary obstacle in getting the book done. He's been writing lots of other stuff, and in the process of placing chapters and viewpoints, has written at least a hundred pages worth of the *next* book. He says he's also made *some* progress on that knot, but that's what's holding everything up right now.