Game of Thrones new HBO trailer

I am curious about this. I think it is going to be a tough sell because the average TV viewer for HBO type shows are not your fantasy types. It is a tough genre to sell to the average person. I hope it does well and opens the door for others or to have HBO take more chances on different shows. They have gone stale as of late.
EDIT: I didn't see this posted anywhere here, so here is last night's (much shorter) HBO GoT preview as well. It has different content. It is actually a commercial for the aforementioned featurette.

I am curious about this. I think it is going to be a tough sell because the average TV viewer for HBO type shows are not your fantasy types. It is a tough genre to sell to the average person. I hope it does well and opens the door for others or to have HBO take more chances on different shows. They have gone stale as of late.

Perhaps. If nothing else, the swearing, sex and violence in HBO and Showtime shows is quite often a selling point in getting people to check them out for their "edginess". As long as the show has enough hooks to draw people in during the pilot, I think it will do well. If the scene from the prologue and the beheading scene are both in the pilot episode (the latter is, but I don't know about the former), I think it will catch people's attention, the same way the hanging scene at the beginning of Deadwood, for example, drew people in. From there, it's all about getting people to care about the characters, and GRRM is a master of that art.
I am curious about this. I think it is going to be a tough sell because the average TV viewer for HBO type shows are not your fantasy types. It is a tough genre to sell to the average person. I hope it does well and opens the door for others or to have HBO take more chances on different shows. They have gone stale as of late.

Yeah, I'm one of them it doesn't appeal to. Honestly though, I'm just not big on fantasy stuff in general, whether it's movies, tv, etc. As far as HBO, I'll mostly agree with you, but I will have to say that Boardwalk Empire has been amazing. Besides that though yeah, really ever since Six Feet Under and Sopranos went off the air, there hasn't been anything really interesting. I really have never understood the appeal of Big Love for example.
I agree.....while HBO has been looking for thier next Sopranos so badly....I think it is harder now since there are more and more other channels doing original programing now. When the Sopranos really hit there were only a few other Pay Channels doing quality shows. Showtime was always the low budget HBO until Dexter, Queer as Folk, and even Sleeper Cell. Starz finally got into the game super late but thier shows are not even in the same realm as the other two. Plus now you have AMC doing Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Walking Dead. Before you had to be on HBO to seem good. Now with so many choices HBO is really in trouble. Big Love and Entourage are both ending after these seasons. East Bound and Down only does 6 episodes, Curb Your Enthusiasm is almost like every other year now and Larry David always claims each year is the last. So basically they have Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones , which still baffles me since they canceled Rome because of the budget and this one seems very much the same. HBO needs to get some new stuff out there and fast if they want to stay on top. I think even thier original movies are not as good. The Pacific was no where near as good as Band of Brothers.
You beat me to it....I was coming over here to post this preview news. :)

EDIT: I didn't see this posted anywhere here, so here is last night's (much shorter) HBO GoT preview as well. It has different content. It is actually a commercial for the aforementioned featurette.

As long as the show has enough hooks to draw people in during the pilot, I think it will do well. If the scene from the prologue and the beheading scene are both in the pilot episode (the latter is, but I don't know about the former), I think it will catch people's attention, the same way the hanging scene at the beginning of Deadwood, for example, drew people in. From there, it's all about getting people to care about the characters, and GRRM is a master of that art.

I'm very pleased to see that he is involved with the series as co-executive producer or something. Now he just needs to Finish The Series. Preferably before those last books are adapted for the screen. :)

There are ten preview/behind-the-scenes/production vids on HBO's website. Looks like this is going to be pretty awesome, and I'm considering adding HBO to my basic cable service because of it.
I am curious about this. I think it is going to be a tough sell because the average TV viewer for HBO type shows are not your fantasy types. It is a tough genre to sell to the average person. I hope it does well and opens the door for others or to have HBO take more chances on different shows. They have gone stale as of late.

I don't know. People watched The Tudors, and this is probably more that than Lord Of The Rings. (Certainly, The Tudors was a fantasy of some sort. :) )
Got that right. I gave it 3 1/2 episodes before bailing. It bored the living hell out of me.

You really missed nothing. The worst part is that they did a whole character shift about 6 episodes in and we never really got to see the characters we started with near the last bunch of episodes. I never got to like any of the characters either. Some good action at times but that was about it.
You really missed nothing. The worst part is that they did a whole character shift about 6 episodes in and we never really got to see the characters we started with near the last bunch of episodes. I never got to like any of the characters either. Some good action at times but that was about it.

And that was one of my biggest problems with it. All of the characters from the get-go I felt were uninteresting, and with a genre as tiring as war, they have to have more character development.