Exactly...I'm not going to dig through the bowels of the net to find the correct information (who would do that?)...but here is my understanding and recollection of the situation:
1) Before Crows came out, GRRM said that the "next" book was so huge and there was so much story that he basically divided it into two parts. Half of the relevant characters and their situations would be presented in Crows, and the other half of the cast would be presented in Dragons, and the two books would basically cover the same timeline. So, at that point, Crows would be released as the next book, and Dragons was, supposedly, mostly complete and ready to go.
2) Then the delays came...still working on Dragons...then...Dragons not written...then...a long period of random limbo and vague updates.
3) Even as recent as one of the trailers at the top of this thread, GRRM says that it's all in his head...which would indicate that Dragons hasn't even been committed to paper. WTF? That's doubtful, especially with the recently announced publishing date that's only 4 months away. I'm going to assume he was referring to the NEXT book...that's the one percolating in his head...which will probably remain there for a while...sigh...
So, yes, you're right...Crows and Dragons are (were) supposed to be the same story that just got too massive to publish at one time.
GRRM is such a putz. Granted, I remind myself that GRRM is not my bitch. He's welcome to complete this story at his leisure...or not at all. That doesn't bother me too badly. What sucks is his constant misleading of his fans. That fame...it's a bitch, huh?