Come get rick rolled

Man....i fucking love that kind of covers and versions.... so much fun.... o didn't like the keyboards.... but it is a great work anyway!!!
I think the bass is too fake/loud. Unless thats what you were going for. Atm it seems to be halfway between a metal version and the real version, I'd pick one and stick with it (either go all guitars, real bass, no/few keys or stick more to the original).

I wasn't sure about the drums in the chorus being half time, but then it sounds really good changing at 1;40. Drums sound a TAD muffled. Guitars are also a bit distant cos of the keys. Again, this could be solved by going all the way but I dunno what you're going for.
I was going for the fake bass sound trying to emulate what i gathered from the original. Guitars are stock amp models from gearbox using toneport ux2. After listening to this mix on something with a subwoofer i did realize that the bass was extremely loud. It was the first thing i did on actual monitors(bx5a).
Vox are way too fruity for my tastes, but should be louder from a mix perspective IMO - also, I feel the bass has too much mud, it's conflicting with the kick. Also, the snare could use more snap/air IMO, a shelving boost from like 6-8k up should take care of it. Also, the guitars are SUPER muffled; it's not as obvious until the "breakdown" type thing, but they sound like the mic was really far from the dustcap; a wide cut from like 300-600 and a slight boost at around 4k would help, but re-amping/re-recording would be ideal IMO. Ooh, and when the vox and synths come in after said "breakdown," that lower harmony vocal that comes in is too loud IMO (and actually also when it does "let you down" and such later). And fucking awesome solo, goddamn - great playing and melody!

Ah, just saw you used Gearbox; did you use the 57 off-axis model, perchance? My advice is: don't ;) (at least not by itself)
Listening again, honestly, all the drums (kick, snare, toms) feel kinda muffled - there's good attack to 'em, but I just don't hear much snap/air to any of 'em. Or maybe it's just the muffling of the guitars that's skewing my perception, I'd remedy that first IMO. And bringing the bass down in volume a bit I think is all that's really needed, though maybe a cut at ~200 as well. I like the guitar octave harmonies in the prechorus ("and if you ask me how I'm feeling...") as well, very atypical sounding but they really work!
Vox are way too fruity for my tastes, but should be louder from a mix perspective IMO - also, I feel the bass has too much mud, it's conflicting with the kick. Also, the snare could use more snap/air IMO, a shelving boost from like 6-8k up should take care of it. Also, the guitars are SUPER muffled; it's not as obvious until the "breakdown" type thing, but they sound like the mic was really far from the dustcap; a wide cut from like 300-600 and a slight boost at around 4k would help, but re-amping/re-recording would be ideal IMO. Ooh, and when the vox and synths come in after said "breakdown," that lower harmony vocal that comes in is too loud IMO (and actually also when it does "let you down" and such later). And fucking awesome solo, goddamn - great playing and melody!

Ah, just saw you used Gearbox; did you use the 57 off-axis model, perchance? My advice is: don't ;) (at least not by itself)

Yes i did use that model im still a broke ass and cant afford the good model packs haha.
Well the 57 on-axis model comes standard too! (as does the condenser and 421, but I haven't messed with those)
I could have sworn I posted on this topic.

This is pretty much the best thing ever posted on this board.