come on harvey put your money where your mouth is

timothy sykes

Oct 19, 2005
why isnt there a decent sized advertisement in kerrang or metal hammer advertising the upcoming uk tour
there seems to be half page spreads for bands who in my opinion are fucking shite
my chemical romance are headling download this year and from where im sitting its solely on the fact that kerrang has pushed there profile through the roof
surely it cant be because they are good , if thats the case i need to syringe my ears or even better cut the buggers
sorry but i hate that kinda music
if you are REINVENTING the band mr goldilocks then do some proper advertising
tenner says that during or after the c4 documentary nothing is said about the tour
oh and by the way Thourght they were playing download this year (circa sheffield fri 26 jan 10 37 pm )
the phrase empty vessels comes to mind
rant over....................................for now
There is a full page add plus smaller ones in this months classic rock magazine,and a good Inner sanctum review too.On a more worrying note in an advert for next months issue, it says "Saxon get Trinny and Susannah'd"
i stoped buying kerrang years ago,i suppose now days if theyre like the radio station you can pick up in and around birmingham, they tout the bands you can hear on radio 2 (im not having a dig at radio 2,i often listen)nice bands that are easy on the ears and appeal more to the uni crowd (and jo whiley).
kerrang sold out?no,metal only kept the mag going from conception and through the first 8-10 years.
There is a full page add plus smaller ones in this months classic rock magazine,and a good Inner sanctum review too.

There is indeed a full page advert, however it highlights the cancelled UK tour dates :mad:

On a more worrying note in an advert for next months issue, it says "Saxon get Trinny and Susannah'd"

I think this relates to the article on the HG stuff, promised in the Innner Sanctum review, not a literal makeover by Trinny and Susannah at least I hope not.:goggly: What next Gillian Mckeeth doing a "you are what you eat special" from the tour bus :lol:
There is indeed a full page advert, however it highlights the cancelled UK tour dates :mad:

I think this relates to the article on the HG stuff, promised in the Innner Sanctum review, not a literal makeover by Trinny and Susannah at least I hope not.:goggly: What next Gillian Mckeeth doing a "you are what you eat special" from the tour bus :lol:

Now that would make the documentary interesting 2 or three shows rolled into one.Trinny and Sussannah come in and change thier could get the ten years younger team in to do a complete makeover.I think i'd have to draw the line at watching someone sifting through Biff's pony though.:lol:
i accept that there is an advert in classic rock
but to be fair im 40 years old and my 16 year old son watches and reads kerrang, he will be seeing saxon on the upcoming tour , but without my musical roots and heritage how would he have found out about the tour.
i want saxon to play to full venues and reap the rewards of nearly 30 years as a band and in order to do that a new younger audience has to be introduced , we all know on here how good saxon are...... just wish the word was spread a little more widely
you just dont get it do you
no one reads that shite? well its sold in every supermarket in the country
bands who are backed by the publication are headlining donington, getting airplay on kerrang music channel, getting slots on the kerrang metal stage at download..... meanwhile saxon get erm.........manchester academy2 or bradford rios
please feel free to comment but first read and digest whats been written first
Every matal fan in the world should watch the LIVE LEGENDS DVD then the world would remember why this band were & still are one of the best metal acts of all time (if not the best).
How the fuck they got left behind by MAIDEN & especially DEF LEP absolutly defies belief.

KERRANG is a commercial entity & as such will try to be trendy & put inside the cover what they think will sell the mag. They obviously think that the likes of SAXON are no longer worth a toss & therfore should have they're scrotums surgicaly removed with a blunt knife that has been soaked in garlic (outchy) - fucking no mark knobheads that they are.
How soon these people forget that without the likes of saxon heavy metal would have died out. There was a time when being into metal was akin to having leprosy but the few kept the flag flying.
Don't worry folks i shallbe telling him soon.I'm going to on the telly.But i don't think they will bradcast what i have to say.They probably edit so i say i love Goldsmith and eat my own poo.
i accept that there is an advert in classic rock
but to be fair im 40 years old and my 16 year old son watches and reads kerrang, he will be seeing saxon on the upcoming tour , but without my musical roots and heritage how would he have found out about the tour.
i want saxon to play to full venues and reap the rewards of nearly 30 years as a band and in order to do that a new younger audience has to be introduced , we all know on here how good saxon are...... just wish the word was spread a little more widely

Tim I fully agree with all your points in this thread. But read my post again the ad in Classic rock its for the cancelled dates ! (You couldn't make it up) There were ad's in Kerrap right up until the week before the UK tour was cancelled, not massive but a lot more than in recent times / tours, BUT LETS FACE IT WITHOUT A FEATURE IN THE MAG THE AD'S ARE PROBABLY WORTHLESS. I'm not standing up for HG here as I think he missed a trick by not promoting the Sheffield gig, and I will say that to him if given the opportunity at the documentary thing. However I do know that Kerrap were invited to be involved in the documentary and DECLINED, which to me says it all.