Come to Australia!!


Stranger than Fiction
Feb 6, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I see Dark Tranquillity are supporting Soilwork in Japan, and because Soilwork are meant to be touring in Australia in April, i had hopes that DT would make their way to Australia with them aswell, but apparently Anthrax are supporting them here in Australia.

I beg you, please come to Australia, we arent far from Japan..

I really want to see these guys play here..

If not, i guess i will have to save up some cash and go overseas for a concert or few.
Child of Time said:
W00t!?! :hypno: Is teh almighty Dark Tranquillity supporting Soilwork? DAMMIT!! :yell: It is supposed to be the opposite!! :yell: :mad:

Oh, and welcome to you, darktranq! :grin: :wave:
I found this tour info in my Century Media newsletter:

Tuksa.. Sounds like a koekje :hypno:

SUPPORTING Soilwork?! :yell:
I accidently saw Soilwork once and omg, I thought they really sucked. That singer is just.. >_< Blegh. He cant sing and he's bald. DT is waaaay better then Soilwork :bah:
Too bad Opeth cancelled u_u,,
Tranquillian said:
Hmm, Mikael said co-headlining to me. I'd hate to think they have to support Soilwork anywhere.
The poor guy, he didn't want to admit such humilliation before a fan :cry:
Thanatos said:
The poor guy, he didn't want to admit such humilliation before a fan :cry:
Let's have a Dark Tranquillity vs. Soilwork fight music video... just like In Flames' "Trigger" and Soilwork's "Rejection Role" video. :D