Comeback by our beloved CFL

MC Hanner

Martin Hanner
Nov 28, 2001
Växjö, Sweden
just wanted to say that Jonas will join CFL and play the bass on the upcoming promo. The recordings will take place in July or in the beginning of Aug. We also have recruited a secret guest. He is a university student we found and he has a great death metal voice.
Ride on!
aw, so no more MC hanner doing the vocals eh? haha, can't fuckin wait for this one. Tell Jonas to get his ogre ass back on here. I haven't talked to him in years.
Awesome! I cannot wait for the new CFL, with ogre in tow. This makes my day! :tickled:
I'm curious. Was the stuffs recorded? I mean, it's way past July/August, but I'm just curious for an update here. I'm always intrigued / psyched for new music that I think will be good...whenever I get a new cd that i've never heard before in the mail it's awesome! I just sit down with my headphones and absorb. That's why I try to limit myself from downloading the CDs I really anticipate off the internet to maybe one song. It feels so much more worth it, buying a cd you know will be good, and not having heard a single song off of it.
I spoke to Martin a while ago and I think he said it got post-poned for some reason, like all the way until next summer... =/. I'll let him verify though.
I would venture to guess it might have something to do with the vocalist, if this is indeed the case - because don't martin and andreas and jonas all live the same spankin' town that has the name of a prostitute?

or maybe peepz just be busy.
It wasnt recorded. The skyfire recordings took ALOT of time so I have to say that we misjudged our time schedule bigtime. Next opportunity to record the CFL promo wont be until spring 2006. Andreas is working, I have alot going on in school and the same goes for Tobias. The good news, I guess, is that we have more time to work on the songstructures.
I think I attempted to ask about what you were going to school here before the forum died! So I'll ask again. What's your schoolin and foolin all aboot?
Me and Grefven, we both read some kind of Computer and system engineering. Dont know if thats the exact translation though. Anyhow it sucks most of the time, but hopefully, we soon got our canidate/master.
Does your computer engineering mostly focus on application or theory? I'm taking Computer Science right now in college and it's more of a mix of programming and mathematical theory and application than the electrical engineering and programming and design that our computer engineers do.

Do you focus in any particular area, either? I plan to (kind of obviously from what I talk about) do graphics, hopefully making silly non-photorealistic games about like....trolls and stuff, to the tune of Finntroll music. That would make me infinitely happy.
I signed up for the advanced animation course elective at my school, since I took the preliminary one last year, but they wouldn't give both that and the advanced programming course, so I picked the latter. I'm still not sure if that was a mistake or not.

What do you use to do graphics? We've got Lightwave at my school, which is pretty cool, but I've never used anything else, so I don't have anything to compare it to.
We have alot of different things; database security, c++, asp, www and database communication so I guess we dont focus on one area. We also take classes in Economics and Media and communication, so this "package" is intended to give the students a wide area of work oppurtunities. At the same time, this makes it less competitive. Cause today (in Sweden), you may have better chances if you are specialized in lets say programming.
I think Maya is the de facto standard for animation and modeling in graphics. Since I'm mostly doing graphics programming right now, I use OpenGL, which is a programming interface for C++. It's pretty low-level stuff, so mostly i end up importing models and animating small parts of them, so far.

I think you have a good point, Martin, but I think you could take it a little further. Admittedly, you do have an advantage if you are specialized, but it also helps a lot to be able to quickly pick up new subjects: often the desired specialists of the moment change, and that might be kind of harsh if your specialty falls out of style. A broad base helps that. I'm not actually even normally allowed to specialize yet - I just find it silly that I should wait until my last year of undergraduate studies to really get involved in what I want to do.