Comeback by our beloved CFL

What's the cost of going to a university like in Sweden? and how good are the teachers?

I've found that more or less most technical teachers at my school are kind of garbage. I have to take a large amount of stuff (physics, calculus, chemistry, biology, as well as computer science) and so far only really the computer science teachers (and even then there are a few bad ones) have been good to me. In the other subjects I've noticed there's a tendency to be dry, unavailable for question, haughty, or just plain bad. Some teachers could not explain their foot, let alone thermodynamics.

At least the literature professors are good though :tickled:

I talked about this with Gums a bit when I went to visit him. I have to admit, I think I'd be more miserable in his situation than in mine. My school is what you would define as really fucking hard, if you actually take the time to learn the stuff, rather than cheating on the exams and the homework (which is blatant and also common here). His school, on the other hand, is a breeze, and he feels like he's not being tested at all.

This is not a good thing! I think it's important to have a happy medium so people don't burn out (only 54% of people entering my school graduate) and so people are prepared for crazy jobs. I was reading a book this summer (The World Is Flat, by Thomas Friedman) that really brought home how important it is to really be good at what you do, scientisty-wise, or else India and China are literally going to knock the US and Europe on their asses.
Gothenburg, Stockholm and Lund, all have big universities and the teachers in Lund (for all I know) are very good. It doesnt have to cost anything ( at least not worth mentioning). But if you have to move and dont have time or like me, dont want to have a job beside your studies, you have the oppurtunity to loan and recieve subsidy (for 6 yrs). The loan part is much bigger than the subsidy though and that sucks.
Woo. I wish the US had subsidized universities. I'm paying around $25,000 USD a year with a significant amount of scholarships (subsidy based on academic merit). Without those I'd be paying around $45,000-$50,000 a year.
Yeah, haha. When I went to school in the States tuition was $16,000. Then I came back to Canada to a better school (academically) and I paid just over $4,000 in Canadian currency, which was like $2,300 american. haha

It really makes me wonder why more Americans don't go to school here. The quality of education is better, it's sooooo much cheaper, and it's just plain nicer.
Gums said:
Yeah, haha. When I went to school in the States tuition was $16,000. Then I came back to Canada to a better school (academically) and I paid just over $4,000 in Canadian currency, which was like $2,300 american. haha

It really makes me wonder why more Americans don't go to school here. The quality of education is better, it's sooooo much cheaper, and it's just plain nicer.

Possibly, but you guys have way higher taxes than we do and all your schools are funded publicly at least to a certain extent. Where do you think the money for those subsidies comes from? Maybe you're paying less, but you're still paying more than you think.

I live in Florida and I applied to McGill. It's my top school so I hope I get in, but the fact of the matter is I can go to University of Florida 100% free. And even if I couldn't go to University of Florida free, the tuition for a state resident is only a few thousand dollars. Not only that, but McGill would still be pretty expensive for me because I'm not a Canadian citizen. Yeah it won't be 40k a year like some good private schools here, but it will still be around 15k I'm guessing.