Comic books.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Because what else is more dorky than metal and video games?!?! :loco:

I've been slowly reading Sandman over the past few years, after reading a few like 10 years ago and not really getting hooked. Damn, what a fool, them shitz are pretty good!

Hellblazer is pretty cool, but I think Constantine is a cooler character than the actual storylines are. No I haven't seen the movie yet.

I still maintain Preacher is the greatest comic EVAR, even if I've only read maybe 10 different series throughout the years. I go through the entire series about once a year, parts of it are extremely emotional. Pyrus knows what the F I'm talking about here, hmm perhaps I should go back to a Jesse Custer avatar...

Those are the only three I really pay attention to, but every so often I'll pick up something like Transmetropolitan or something. Oh yeah I generally only go for trade paperbacks instead of actual comics, probably because you can find them in actual bookstores and don't have to deal with the Comic Books Guys of the world.

Yeah Precher is great, and I've only read it translated which means it should be awesome in english; too bad they're so ridiculously expensive.

I've also read some Hellblazer which was pretty cool as well but sadly also translated. I think the most important thing for me when it comes to comics, is that the drawings are good, if they're half-assed and obviously made in hastly, I can't be bothered. If that's the case one might as well go read a book
Saw a documentary on Frank Frazetta the other day on IFC. Wow, that guy is a genius. And when he loses the use of his right arm, what does he do? Switch to the left. He is the genius behind the imagery of Conan -- to the point where they used his artwork to inspire the film sets, characters, etc.

fotmbm said:
I like Vallejos chicks and Frazettas blood, gore and action better I think.

Quoted for truth. [/NADeventhoughhe'sneversaidit]

You're right footy, Frazetta's chicks are a little skanky and on occasion they could do with losing some poundage around the hips and gut.

However, I do love this piece:


It reminds me of Thulsa Doom's palace, but also that shine on the marble pillar is out of this world.
Does anyone know anything about X Men? I recently watched X Men 2 and 3, both very fine films indeed. However, what's the hoopla with the innaccuracies regarding Phoenix? Is she really killing the mutants at the end, or are they evolving?

Is the professor alive? Is Magneto getting his powers back? What's going on in the X Men world?!!

Also, I have the 300 graphic novel and it's really big and inconvenient to read on the terlit.
Does anyone know anything about X Men? I recently watched X Men 2 and 3, both very fine films indeed. However, what's the hoopla with the innaccuracies regarding Phoenix? Is she really killing the mutants at the end, or are they evolving?

Is the professor alive? Is Magneto getting his powers back? What's going on in the X Men world?!!

Also, I have the 300 graphic novel and it's really big and inconvenient to read on the terlit.

dont even bother paying attention to Xmen3. It was shit.

the new Conan series has some R.E. Howard stories, and its fucking awesome!

My buddy in Phoenix has the 300 book, says its incredibly badass and the movie looks exactly like the comic.

Starwars Legacy puts the movies to shame.

Planet Hulk is the top comic for the year.
I was into comics when I was a kid but quickly grew away from them and their geek factor. Now that I'm old and don't give a shit, I'm going to start reading them again