Comic books.


haha awesome. Too bad only like .00000005% of women are built like this and all of them are VS models. Actually, VS models are skinnier than this. Funny how the ideal (for me) build doesnt actually exist in nature.
*reads more comics*

edit: uhh wait. Are they all different views of the same person?
you heard about World War Hulk? Its supposed to be bigger than Civil War is. I cant wait to see the Hulk kill everyone!!!!!!!!! :notworthy

The Hulk is by far the most underated marv. character. Most people don't realize he is literally an unstopable killing machine. If Hulk vs. Wolverine happend outside of the comic book universe there is no way Wolverine could possibly come close to winning, but since it's in the Marv. Universe theres gonna be some draw or something somehow, because they obviously arn't going to kill off either character. That is if they ever fucking release the next issue.

Viva la Hulk!

Anyone pick up the Marvel hardback release of The Gunslinger Born?
I've been disappointed thus far because it's just a rehash of Wizard and Glass but GODDAM the artwork is magnificent
i have issues 1 & 3. i gave up after those because yep, it's a rehash.

always been partial to Iron Man. i think it's because i had the action figure as a kid
I was actually impressed by the end of WWHulk. Still think Planet Hulk was easily the best ongoing storyline Marvel has produced in years.

Conan is definitely as good as it gets right now, although Warren Ellis' "Black Summer" is a personal favorite too.
I actually approve of the cast over a lot of the original names being tossed about. Expectations for the film are low, it's an impossible translation from one medium to the other.. but it could have been much worse.
In movie form, V for Vendetta is like From Hell. Both are fucking awesome, yet still pale by comparison to their source material. Alan Moore is a genius. Voice of the Fire should be turned into a 16 hour BBC miniseries. Well no, it shouldn't, but that would be something.

I bumped this thread because I just read the first issue of Army of Darkness vs. Re-Animator and it was 74x better than that stupid god damn Evil Dead remake. Keep the whimsy intact, god dammit! I am drunk due to consuming 2/3rds of a beer on an empty stomach.
I can do that. Same dude who wrote Y: The Last Man I see. I never finished that but I read the first several collections and it was good!
I'm not really into superhero stuff but I have added that one to my list! I like superhero movies but rarely read the comics for whatever reason.

Oh yeah and here is my old friend's blog, he is a fantastic writer:

He introduced me to Preacher and Sandman in 1995. I returned the favor by making him a heavy metal mix tape (possibly several). His comic collection is pretty massive, it takes up several bedrooms.

Random Recommendations of new comics I've been reading:

The Dark Crystal: Creation Myths comics that Brian Froud illustrates are really cool. If you love the movie as much as I do, I would definitely check these out. They explain where the Skeksis and Mystics come from.

Then there is The Bean which is absolutely fantastic. I fell in love with this dude's artwork at WonderCon a few years back, but didn't pick any up since I figured it would be a little juvenile. Oh how wrong I was, these are extraordinary.

Hellboy is probably my favoUrite comic that I'm still going through. Also the Sandman prequels are pretty nifty. Etc.